What we find is in western culture the Christian religion is on the decrease while in the countries of our enemies, the Islamic religion is steady fast and not decreasing. Even in some of the backward countries, the Muslim population is devout and in many cases are being led by Imams who have an agenda....their faith is being twisted to meet this agenda and the people are following blindly....
We see more and more empty Christian churches and less and less young people following their faith....
If people have a lack of religious and political faith and lack a love for their country, what does that spell? Both the US and Canada are displaying these traits which make it very easy for our enemies to encroach on our weaknesses.......and they doing just that.
I fear that in the near future, Christian religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter will disappear completely......they are both minimized to irrelevance already......when we have a Christian based society not being encouraged to say "Merry Christmas" because it isn't all inclusive....there's a problem......the Christmas season isn't supposed to be all inclusive in the same manner that Hannukah and Ramadhan aren't....they are specific religious events geared towards a specific religion....
Our nations are in trouble.
My philosophy is a lot simpler.
Our founding fathers created a system of freedom and liberty. The result was a country and system which everyone admired, especially after the 2nd world war. It became a country where hard work, personal sacrifice and effort got rewarded by merit, towards living their dreams. It created a global dominance with the English language, music, fashion, computers, software, communication systems, the internet etc.etc. It became the dominant military power and economic power of the world.
Our adversaries, are ruled by autocratic dominance, using a system of fear for punishment, against any free speech which may criticize the system. Their peoples want freedom, but safety and security is more important than freedom to most. Their leadership are corrupt and will go beyond means to defend and protect the system from which they benefit.
What is happening at our borders currently, is a clear sign, that people are desperate to escape their non Western cultures for a better life. This includes the Chinese.
One would ultimately think that the world will eventually change towards our democracy, as oppressed peoples will eventually stand up against their leadership in mass. Some of this is taking place and has taken place.
The problem we face in America today, is that hard working people chasing their dreams are not involved adequately in politics and protecting our system as well as constitution. They don’t have time for that, they are too busy putting food on the table for themselves and others. The result is an Administration who is incompetent, in the process of destroying our system and constitution and rewards are no longer granted by merit. Hard work means paying more taxes, which results in uncontrolled Goverment spending, giving illegal immigrants paid debit cards, supporting trade unions rather than industry, funding countries outside our borders who are actually our adversaries, etc. The Administration goes as far as suing and trying to destroy successful businesses who drive our economy. Cases against Tesla, Boeing, Google, Etc.
The Administration is supporting a President, who is clearly way past his best before date, towards losing the respect of the world.
Our system is changing towards values of entitlement, corruption and the American dream is rapidly disappearing. The efforts of hard work, is used to reward those who do not deserve it. Our new generation can no longer afford to purchase a house, we see homeless shelters in each city increasing, and we see crime increasing due to both an increase in poverty and illegal migrants.
Politics have become a civil war without physical weaponry. It goes as far as using the judicial system to destroy the lives of those who support what they believe in.
At the end of the day, the only ones who can fix this are we the people. It goes beyond my understanding why we the people are supporting two candidates, who are not fit for the most important job in the world. One who is clearly past his best before date, the other who will only deepen the civil war without weaponry between Democrats and Republicans.
It is already too late, but hopefully we the people will wake up to reality and make better choices for the future at some point.
In short, it has nothing to do with religion, it is about showing weakness from within, to the entire world and losing respect for our values accordingly.