Our enemies grow stronger while we grow weaker as a society.....I'm pretty philosophical about the collapse of western society because it's all happened before, and the process is irreversible. You can't change the wind they say, but you can change your sail, and that is effectively what I did. I moved well away from the corrupt city, don't watch TV, am selective with friends. The trouble is most people are complicit with our downfall, they actively engage in it. Take the acceptance of homosexuality that went through society decades ago, the meme was, well what they do in private is there business. Unfortunately 'they' started to recruit our sons out of highschool while they were in a vulnerable state, then 'they' wanted to be legally married and now 'they' can legally adopt small children. That acceptance of course led the way to the current gender madness and believe it or not, a growing acceptance of mild pedophilia. Before this is over the world is going to be one big flesh pit.
As I said, it's all been done before, Athens (the Greeks) Rome, any empire you can name eventually morphed from hard working agrarian heterosexual communities to vice filled degenerate societies. And it's none of my business, I won't waste 5 minutes discussing it other than to say it exists and is deplorable.
And when what it stands for changes drastically and permanently? That's the dilemma.
I seriously doubt that even 50% of our populations would answer the call, don a uniform and fight for our countries in the event of a global conflict....
Hard to think that not that many years past in WW2 people were actually killing themselves because they weren't able to go to join the military and go to war......
And our enemies know how weak we are, they have access to all the same social media and public media we have, they see what our population has become and are laughing....