Technically he didn’t use executive power per the bylaws but to have the gall to call the Georgia district attorney with unproven data, and when not taken at his word, threaten him and his office, and babble incoherently about data which never materialized, is basically using using executive privilege. The one hour phone call is difficult to listen to as Raffenberger’s office tried repeatedly to appease the president’s rant despite repeated threats that Raffenberg would not be reelected if he didn’t “find” the 12 thousand votes, and of course, Raffenberger was. He also used the word criminal or actually criminality as if Raffenberger's office would be prosecuted over the decision. Listening to that phone call is worth an hour of anybody’s time that gives a crap about the U.S.
Who else in this country would have been given an hour of such delirium?
Have you ever had your Psychometric profile done?
Have you ever done psychometric profiles of senior managers or executives, to look at the behavioral dimension fit, for the position they are appointed to?
Trump is dead wrong, from what we know, that he won the election and that it was rigged.
But in his own mind, he honestly believes he won, and the election was rigged. He even believes that to this day. The guy is not lying or making stuff up to try and fool people. It is what he really believes.
That is very typical for a psychometric profile described as North, Viking, Orange. Those folks don’t believe anything they have not verified with factual matter to the finest detail personally. There is a place for people like that in society, they normally swim upstream, and they are really good at fixing something which is badly broken. They normally p!ss off a lot of people, but they are good at getting stuff done fast. They are terrible team builders, autocratic, but they know how to cut through BS really fast. They don’t handle stupid very well.
So in short, when you listen to that phone call, you are listening to someone who believes what he is saying and he is losing patience, because he thinks the folks listening to him are incompetent.
You and many may not understand, or identify with that.