CHP motors are the strictest for CVC infractions here in the Temecula area of CA, you will almost always get wrote by one. The cursier guys are a lot more layed back when dealing with bikes, dont get me wrong I understand thier job and have never been written for something I havent deserved. It's the boys on the black and white BMW's that will get you( at least down here). You have a tuff job PDBusa we want you to get the other guy,just dont get us.
Motor Officers for ANY agency are going to be the toughest as far as traffic enforcement goes, BECAUSE, that is their only function......The individual Motor Officer usually has little discretion on whether you are getting a ticket, depending on the stop/ticket ratio that his commanders have established.
Despite what people think, there are hardly any agencies that set quotas, however, statistically, the agencies know that if an officer is out driving around doing their job, that officer will see a certain number of violations per hour, dependant on the type of area and traffic problems. Based on that, they anticipate that the Officer will make a certain number of contacts and from those contacts, a certain number of tickets will be issued. The exact numbers of all that are set by Watch Commanders....What all this BS boils down to, if you get pulled over by a guy whose only function in life is to enforce traffic laws, and he is pulling you over for violating one of them there traffic laws, do not be surprised if he does his job.....
Now patrol guys are a different matter all together, that depends on whether their admin want them working traffic, if not, they are usually going to operate exactly as PD described in his post.......But even with that, don't go getting fissed-off at him if he does his job, don't go home and kick the dog or your wife, when it was your wrist that got you in that situation in the first place.
Those of you asking PD how he rides his personal bike need to apply all this and understand that despite what you may think, if he decides to give in to the temptation to become squiddish, he faces a much higher and far more severe punishment than a non-le type. For those who want to post something about professional courtesy or any of that, for any case you can cite about some cop doing something that you thought they should have gotten a ticket, I can show you a case where one lost their job or at best, ten times the amount of monetary damages that they would have if they were not a leo.
True there are exceptions and you will find a lot of those exceptions with smaller agencies, however, just remember that the majority of every contact that you may have with a leo is bound to be negative. You are probably going to be a victim, witness, or suspect to a bad thing.....
ok, off the soap box.....
Welcome PD, good post....
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