**The OFFICIAL TEAM GIXXER smacktalk thread**

Yo chris, You put your thread in the WTB: Bikes & Accessories forum. Should be in the WTB: Events section where it'll see more action
I've started my massive water intake to get hydrated. Gonna be a good weekend!

I can't remember if we have any friends coming this time.. Keith, is Trey or your buddy with the silver GSXR (Dave?) coming this weekend?
I don't think either are coming. JEFF had a esopageal hernia and had surgery 2 weeks ago...
Some video of me chasing Jay September 2014..

Fav pics of the weekend :)



Toyota is taking it slow, to give the 3 USA brand some air and a chance to survive. They also do that because they are afraid the USA gouv. would bring back taxes on their import products if they kill the US brands, GMC was talking about Toyota giving them a chance on CNN a few months ago. Keep in mind that Toyota own Isuzu, who built the Chevy Diesel motors.
Toyota is taking it slow, to give the 3 USA brand some air and a chance to survive. They also do that because they are afraid the USA gouv. would bring back taxes on their import products if they kill the US brands, GMC was talking about Toyota giving them a chance on CNN a few months ago. Keep in mind that Toyota own Isuzu, who built the Chevy Diesel motors.

Hey go TROLL somewhere else!!!
Probably my favorite of the weekend. Diana actually ordered one of the US129 shirts with this pic on the back :)
