The Paint Guide

Good post on painting!  I've been using House of Kolor stuff for years and love it. I prefer the UFC-35 Flo Klear. Seems to have even more gloss than the UC-35 if you can believe that! Lays out real good, and buffs up well.
 APO is a HOK adhesion promoter that is supposed to work well on plastics. APO-1 and APO-2 is how they are rated one is for plastics and the other is for non plastics. I can't remember which is which right now.
 I've  had lot of fun with the marbleizers and pearls. I recommend HOK stuff to anyone learning to paint, it's marvelous stuff and very user friendly. I wouldn't recommend using the APO's to promote adhesion between marbelizer and top coat clears as it doesn't work nearly as well as SG100 Intercoat clear. I use SG100 anytime I'm doing tape overs, art work, marbelizers, works best with RU 310 fast reducer. For those that haven't used this product it dries kinda funky and is best wet sanded as it tends to ball up in the sandpaper if dry sanded. No it's not a catalyzed clear or a top coat clear either just reduced 2 to 1 like most of HOK stuff.
anyway that's my 2 cents on painting. I love it!
Perhaps I missed it...but does any have a line on the paint codes for the respective years?
I am having some small items painted to match soon, and would like to just give them a code acquire. I have an 05, so there is little if any worry of fading to match.

I have a stock 05 Blue/Silver Bus. What type of store sells paint, and how would I get paint that is the same color.
Great thread. Glad someone brought it back out of the archives.

I was looking to paint the frame of my blk/mar '06-I wanted to paint it a satin black so that it would look better than the stock silver. Two questions: Which type of paint shuld I use (type/brand) and how should I do it (sanding, washing, drying, spraying 2 light coats and 1 medium coat)? Thanks for any help.
Paint seems to be way out of my league. I do want a custom job & would rather pay someone to do it right, than for me to screw it up & end up paying in the long run. I have a theme for my bike already, I just need to find a Guy out here in So. Cal that can do it for me. Any Ideas?

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On a scale of hardness from 1-10 how hard would it be to do just one color for the whole bike? And what about basic graphics like tribal designs? I have to sand and paint my fairing.. might as well just do the whole bike hah
Alright cool, I've done car paint. Never even tried motorcycles and dont wanna mess up my bike
so kinda scary! I was thinkin about doing a retro hippie kinda basic flower graphic for fun. My neighbor is a die hard hippie and has 2 old vw vans in mint condition, he'd prob let me copy his designs
Hippie busa!
Hm new question. I have my paints/sealers/etc all picked out. How much paint did it take to do your base coat?