Where to get paint and how much?

hey guys..
just installed my inners and grab rail, while i WAS at it I had a few chips in my front fender so I painted that as well... this isn't paint from the factory, it's standox paint.. the fender and grab rail was painted an put on less than 48hours later than did a 135 mile road trip.. the pics of the fender is after the 3rd coat of clear... (twice as much as recommended) it gives it much more depth





WOW, 74mv! Very clean lines and excellent detail/finish! Impressive, to say the least! Just wondering about deep scratches and cracks/repairs to the ABS...anybody have any experience? I will be rebuilding my '07 LE as a part of repair from on off, got lots of work to do and all out of pocket so personal labor will be more affordable than buying off the shelf. Besides that, I've got lots of heal up time, too.

I've talked to others who spiced up the finish by smoothing out all the 'dash' plastics. Since every piece of plastic was affected by the off, I've been thinking of doing a very subtle candy apple red (thank you, Tyler!) theme over the factory nebulus black. I know with black smooth will be the name of the game so repair issues will be pretty critical. Any advice on repairs? Thanks ahead of time! :beerchug:

oh, and I apologize busanas for jacking your thread! No offense meant, brother!
thanks for compliments. for the plastic repair i used a SEM product (plactic weild) its works very well. For deep scratches u can use the same product, or another product I use is evercoat body filler. for the best finish i would remove all the factory paint, time consuming but you will make the time up when its in primer and the less paint better it will be. its not mandatory, but i like to practice it, if its my bike, or famliy members or a customer is willing to pay the extra for labor.

with the inners painted the bike looks bigger and cleaner, I would consider this apperance mod for the busa.

I painted the green bike next to the busa as well.



figured I would post this in here for those who search this thread, they can see how to go about taping the mirrors.. post a pic tomorrow of them painted and installed..

hey, 74! You ought to start your own thread on prep and paint, especially demonstrating some plastic repair techniques. I would appreciate it as I'm sure otherw would too! Get enough interest, it might even get pinned! Thanks for your input, it's a big help to all! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
hey, 74! You ought to start your own thread on prep and paint, especially demonstrating some plastic repair techniques. I would appreciate it as I'm sure otherw would too! Get enough interest, it might even get pinned! Thanks for your input, it's a big help to all! :thumbsup: :beerchug:

thanks, wish I knew that sooner, I did 2 gsxr's that were torn up, I would of taken pics of the steps...
I normaly take pics of when I recieve the parts to when I either shoot them in primer or base then the final results..
I'll keep this in mind. I hurt my back so I can do any prolong standing right now, but if I get a project that needs the plastic repair I take pics of the steps right to the clear coat, and cut and buffing..
heres a tank I did for a guy in NH (I did 3 for him)
this is how you would lay your finline for 2 colors.. here it sits in it's first color base color.. last is the mirrors I did on my bike.. the finish is fine, but I was to sore to remove the tapings. the following day I did, and there are some real small bits the came up where the glass meets the plastic, you would really have to look close up to notice, but I am picky. these mirrors will get cut and buffed..








I did find one front fender of a gsxr I did, I had to remake a section of it.. I;ll get that one. here's one. this is from primer to base to clear.. this was my second time using my new sata minjet4.. first time was on a buell.. this is probaly hours after the last coat of clear.. 3 coats were put on, all this got cut and buffed prior to installing on bike.. not sure if these pics will make a another page here... but really your final finish will be real nice with the proper gun, but go the extra lenght by using high end paint. it will be worth it believe me..




You've got some very good stuff there! And do I see an early vintage Pontiac in the reflection of that tank? Along with a very stout looking Rottie?

Weeelllllll, if your interested, I'll need to take some pics of some of the damage from my off. I'm really wanting to do most if not all the work myself. I don't have any fancy guns like HVLP but I do have a standard cup and smaller cup deVilbliss along with some body experience. Unfortunately, no plastics.

In the mean time, the tank took some pretty hard hits, one right by the filler cap. Then there's the deep scratches and cracks in the pieces I could save. And the major 'jam a rockslide through my right side' I'll put up. The nose fairing was grenaded, literally.

Be watching, I'll try to get them up tonight or tomorrow. I hear ya on the pain thing. Four weeks, three broken ribs and multiple right rib fractures along with some shoulder goobers, I don't move too fast or for very long either.

I sincerely appreciate your input. Everyone on the .oRg has been great about lifting me out of the funk and helping me along in the rebuild (just gathering parts for now). I hope you recover from your back injuries from whatever. Good on you for staying busy. Have a Good 'un! :thumbsup: :beerchug:
74 wished you were closer i'd love for you to paint my inners 4 me.i have no paint skillz and really dont trust any shop around here to get it right.your bike looks great:beerchug:
thanks guys.. yea, the my sons goat. my vette and my sons challenger I painted.. the doggie is a king Doberman weighs 126lbs.. it's always fun to do your own stuff, you never have to worry about rushing to get it done..
but I have fixed fairings that were literally in two pieces, my sons bike had two huge paper like rips in them.. I said listen just buy some used fairings, he was on a very tight budget at the time.. I felt bad and I repaired them almost 5 years later they are still perfect.. in some cases it can be done. here's the front gsxr fender I did.. you can see where he had some friend fix his fender.. well this was almost 3/4 of an inch think of plastic weld and not the correct kind either.. I had to cut out the section because it was just a total mess. I fiberglassed it then used 3m filler.. when I was done there was no sign of a repair..

as for the inners, I understand about the shop bit... I use to do a lot of odds and end parts, but but getting the paint in such small quantinty is a pain for my buddy that mixes it for me.. I have several colors lying around incase theres someone that wants a color I already have. but for the most part I like to get a 1/2 quart (sprayable) mixed at a time.. there's been a few people that came back after dumping there bikes again, thats why is always good to have extra on hand..

if your looking to get inners done I can do them beginning of Sept.. but I could only do solid colors.. I cant do it if it's two colors, I wouldn't know where your lines meetup.. and for now it would be best if you sent me the inners with a colorite match paint and reducer.. and I would send u back leftover materials.. it's just to small of a quantity of paint for me (unless solid black or white)
if interested pm me for price..





