The playpen candidate for the speedo primary.

OB_Dirty Pete

99TLR, there is an invoice in the mail for the above strategic planning session*, and we trust you will find it in order.

We hope you found your day rewarding, and we thank you for taking valuable time out of your day to attend.

*all rights reserved, any recommendations implemented must be executed by approved .org staff, security services provided by FC161, offer not valid in certain prohibited jurisdictions, Hayabusas exempted
As the representative of the playpen people I would like to introduce our nomination for the speedo tester. After a night of name calling, threats and general immaturity we have decided that Vegasdude is the most deserving candidate. From his untiring diligence to secure his license plate in the face of the registry beuracrats to his recent offer to return to the Vegas Show and take pictures for everyone he has always been there for site members. This type of dedication in conjunction with his ability to ride about 364 days a year make him the ideal candidate in our humble opinion. We hope you all will agree. Note that he has never been arrested, does not drink, and to the best of our knowledge has only inhaled air.
I dunno 'bout that ZX12. How can you conduct a valid test of such a delicate electronic device unless the following parameters are quantified:

1. Beer/bourbon resistance: It is not enough to test mere water resistance, as beer and other alcoholic beverages have differing viscosities and evaporation rates, plus many residues that could cause shorting or other more subtle damage.

2. Head-on police cruiser impact resistance:
Often in a high-speed chase, the assisting officers block the road with their cruisers. Since so many Busa owners have made the decision to run from ANY attempted pull-over or takedown, this information is crucial.

3. Blurred vision adjustability: A large percentage of Busa owners are in a constant state of cross-addicted withdrawal from various stimulants, pain killers, mood enhancers, prescription drugs and such, so they simply will not be able to use a speedo correction device that does not have big red adjustment dials with bumpy edges that make them easy to turn.

4. Reliability after frequent intentional misadjustment: You know and I know that after the launch of the ZX12, Busa owners will want...nay NEED.. to dial their speedos up so they read at least 10 mph faster than the fastest credible ZX12 test. How will this thing perform under these critical circumstances?

5. Potential for electrical shock injury: A beta device does not have to meet federal safety requirements. How do we know this speedo corrector won't blow your eyebrows off every single time you jump start your Busa from your wife's diesel dually pickup? We need someone who's in the position of having to do this frequently because they always turn their key too far and leave their back light on when they park their bike at night, or because they have eliminated the alternator to save weight.

6. Ease of installation: Probably all those guys on the list so far know how to install things. But what about the rest of us? How will this unit perform when it's attached to the bars with hockey tape and grounded to the upholstery?

Thank about it, TLR99. Think hard.

The future of your corporation may depend on the decisions you make today.
Wow!!! I never thought of that. You are right on the money. By testing this device with only mature rational individuals TLR is actually doing future customers and his company a dis-service. TLR is taking himself out of the hooligan, playpen market? He should have devised a test bed population that represents the motorcycling population. This might eventually affect the product life cycle.

[This message has been edited by ZX-12 (edited 22 September 1999).]
I like the nomination idea, we could do this by east and west just like a real presidential election.

Since I live in the east I would like to nominate ~ FalconCop161.

FalconCop161 brings a "special" outlook to the site everytime he posts, yeah he really does has something to say and besides his Police buddies could clock him with Radar and Laser to confirm the accuracy of the "8th" wonder-ful speedo module. And if he wants to "estimate speeders mph" he can just dial in the speeds he wants and write that ticket as big as he can get it.

Roman, this could be a big seller to small town police forces that need revenue!

Drum roll please.............................

In the West we have: Vegas Dude

In the East we have: FalconCop 161

In the North we have: Ted Kennedy (Canadian entry)

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 22 September 1999).]
OK Kawabuser, we get to vote?

I love shouldering the mantle of heavy responsibility!!

Based on the requirements outlined in my post above, I'd have to go with Ted Kennedy, or any of the Kennedy kids who may still be alive.

They are the only people I can think of who would be happy to conduct the Head-On Police Cruiser Impact Resistance test.

I know they're not members and probably doesn't have even a single Hayabusa between them, but 99TLR owns a wealthy corporation and could fix those problems.
Vegas, perhaps a few words from you on your nomination.

A couple of quick lines would help sway some votes.

The *truth* is somebody is really going to recieve the part.
If elected, I will serve my fellow busa owner well. I'll drive the busa as fast as the speedo will go and will have numerous updates as well. And besides I did come through with the 2000 photos for the good of the board........hehe Further as I stated in a previous post, even though this was a dealer show I still had the juice to get in and get pictures with the same juice i can also compare the speedo with a police radar

[This message has been edited by VegasDude (edited 22 September 1999).]
Dirty Pete, I am not sure that the Speedo Adjustment Module has an Alcohol Injection Monitor capacity.
(maybe as a special law enforcement unit,to be known as the FalconCop161 Edition)

This may be offered in the future in the SAM II, but right now this is a beta test of the SAM I.

I do not know if any Hayabusa have been seen on Chapaquidic Island. But I also do not see the need for underwater testing. Dirty Pete we really are picking from members only, so call Ted and let him know if he signs on he will become eligible.

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 22 September 1999).]
Kawabuser; I've only been able to get as far as his Senate Secretary, but it looks like Ted might just be interested.

Kennedy's Secretary was abrupt with me when I first called, then she called back just 10 minutes later with some very carefully worded questions.

"Does this Hayabusa vehicle float and if so, for how long?"

"Is it legally necessary to wear pants when operating this vehicle?"

"How many drink holders does this vehicle have?"

"If Mr. Kennedy were to accept your proposed gift of a Hayabusa vehicle, who would he have to blow?"

I haven't answered her back yet, but I think that if we put the right spin on our responses, we've got a big name taker here who could do a lot for TLR's marketing effort.

Not to mention what he could do, as a member, for the international prestige of our little forum.

REMEMBER what George Bush did for Viagra...
DP - It was BOB DOLE and Viagra. Do they run those disgusting commercials in Canada? If not consider yourself lucky.
Damn I thought that my vote was with Vegas. You know clean record, dedication and sun 364 days a year. Now Falconcop has his own thread about dealing with wrenches at suzuk shops and he is giving sound advice. This is gonna be a tough race. I hope that they all don't decide to "go negative". I would not want to hear them drudging up things that should be left in the past about each other. You know affairs, overdue library books etc.....

[This message has been edited by ZX-12 (edited 23 September 1999).]
George Bush needs Viagra too.

But with an ugly ass wife like that, who wouldn't?

All that jumping out of airplanes at his age...he's compensating for something.
Dirty Pete,

If Vegas_dude were to pin his Busa in N. Las Vegas, he'd never live to see another day. They've got a whole police force of Falco Cops...
All the more reason for him to have the device. So he can swear on a stack of bibles that his speedo was only reading 55...and be able to prove it!

OK. So the judge might reduce the charge to manslaughter.

That's worth SOMETHING, isn't it?
Or 2 of them in case one rips.

I didn't mean that. I'm sure she's a very intelligent and responsible woman.

If, of course, she IS a woman.