The Replacement Killer

Gonna post some pics of our dealership and some of mine and my dads toys too so stay tuned!!!!!!!!!!  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!
Cool, but, ummm, you might want to do away with that gif attachment. That prolly won't fly on this site. I have no problem with it, but I think it's a bit past the limit the admin sets here. Just a suggestion...
Extremely inappropriate.

Can't imagine you without Da' Train, but I'm glad things are working out for you financially. I personally think the ZX10 is off the hook!! Sweet lookin' bike and crazy fast....... I'm not even mad at the fact that you're gettin' a KAWI!! I have a 2003 Kawi 636 trackbike.. It's so much fun slinging that bike around in the corners... And YES, run don't walk to get a steering dampner. My boyfriend almost had a very ugly tankslapper when he came down from a wheelie and went into a highspeed wobble. (this was before I had put the dampner on it!!! Yikes!!) Not sure why they don't equip those bikes with dampners?? DAMN Kawi folks, oh well....

Anyhooo... Kudos to you my friend!! Enjoy the 10 and give us lots of pix and input on it. I may end up tradin' in the 636 for one next year....

..careful bro.. the 10 bites hard.. a friend fell in front of my wheel the other day on a steep curve with 100+ and hit the forest world BIG time!
..of course, it was HIS mistake but seemed an awful lot easy to be made..

careful - I am happy for you though!
Congrats, bro! Can't wait to check your post my time Sunday morning to see the pics of the new bike! Hope it all goes without a hitch! I've been out of the net the last few days, but have been trying to keep up with all your 'New Bike' threads. Sounds like you'll have what you want and still have time to ride before the weather gets to be too much!
I thought of getting a 10R, but then again I kinda wanna stay away from Literbikes. To light with all the power those bikes are making, I'm cool. Anyways good luck with the sale on Friday. Please post some pics of your new toy!, do yourself a favor and ride the 10 before you buy. This is a little bike, I found my friend's very uncomfortable...Not saying it isn't you, just ride before buying. All the guys that have them around here are little bity, and forget a passenger. Just my .02 worth....hate to see the train go....

Can't imagine you without Da' Train, but I'm glad things are working out for you financially. I personally think the ZX10 is off the hook!! Sweet lookin' bike and crazy fast....... I'm not even mad at the fact that you're gettin' a KAWI!! I have a 2003 Kawi 636 trackbike.. It's so much fun slinging that bike around in the corners... And YES, run don't walk to get a steering dampner. My boyfriend almost had a very ugly tankslapper when he came down from a wheelie and went into a highspeed wobble. (this was before I had put the dampner on it!!! Yikes!!) Not sure why they don't equip those bikes with dampners?? DAMN Kawi folks, oh well....

Anyhooo... Kudos to you my friend!! Enjoy the 10 and give us lots of pix and input on it. I may end up tradin' in the 636 for one next year....

Yeah, I wasn't gonna mod anything on the 10 for a while, but the damper seems to be a necessity. The only other thing I plan to do anytime soon is a dark smoke Double Bubble or PUIG windscreen. I'll prolly order a damper and put it on next week. Gotta be careful doin' my hard break-in without one... I can do the screen whenever.

I'll definitely bring the pics and feedback. Can't wait to get it broke in and line it up with that local guy's busa just to see what happens. I don't know how well he can ride. Could go either way... Should be FUN though.
my bad........
wont happen again. sorry to those whom i may have offended.
Most of the membership here prolly wouldn't be overly offended by the gif. Some would, but most would either just find it distasteful, or not care either way. The thing is, lots of people surf this site from work, or with their other half, kids, etc... lookin' over their shoulder. Captain (and Net Nanny, aka Rev...
) governs the site so that there shouldn't be a problem in either of those instances.

It's all good. We've all had Nanny edit us. Hell, he just got me in another thread.
Congrats, bro! Can't wait to check your post my time Sunday morning to see the pics of the new bike! Hope it all goes without a hitch! I've been out of the net the last few days, but have been trying to keep up with all your 'New Bike' threads. Sounds like you'll have what you want and still have time to ride before the weather gets to be too much!
I just hope everything goes smooth and I can get it for the weekend. If the weather will hold out (no rain... cool is ok) I kinda sorta plan to try and get through the break-in period (600 miles) before I go back to work next Wednesday. I'm gonna ride this one more than I have Train even if it's lots of short 30 minute rides around the neighborhood. Gotta eat them tires up so I can get some POWERs on it before we hit The Gap next spring.
wink.gif, do yourself a favor and ride the 10 before you buy. This is a little bike, I found my friend's very uncomfortable...Not saying it isn't you, just ride before buying. All the guys that have them around here are little bity, and forget a passenger. Just my .02 worth....hate to see the train go....
The 10 feels good to me sittin' on it. Feels similar to my bud's ZX-6RR. I've been able to log a little seat time on it and had no problems with comfort. Granted, it ain't no busa, but it ain't meant to be. No problems with seating position, no numb hands, etc... Again, it ain't as smooth and comfortable as a busa, but no other sport bike I've been on is.

I think I'll be fine on the 10. I may start haulin' it to the mountains, ridin', and haulin' it home but I was considerin' doin' that with the busa anyway. I just ain't an iron butt rider. I like to hit the good roads hard until I get my fix and then I'm done. I enjoy just gettin' out and ridin' sometimes too, but for the most part I've gotten to the point that the twisty action is what I crave most.

I'd prolly enjoy just doin' track days if they didn't cost so much more than hittin' the mountains. Also have my work schedule to deal with. I can squeeze in a mountain ride whenever. Gotta do track days when they have them scheduled.

I appreciate your input and concern but I think I've considered all the +'s and -'s and I think it's exactly what I want to do. I may be wrong and I may come back here and say ya'll told me so, but I think I'm gonna be happy.

Can't imagine you without Da' Train, but I'm glad things are working out for you financially.  I personally think the ZX10 is off the hook!!  Sweet lookin' bike and crazy fast.......  I'm not even mad at the fact that you're gettin' a KAWI!!  I have a 2003 Kawi 636 trackbike..  It's so much fun slinging that bike around in the corners...  And YES, run don't walk to get a steering dampner.  My boyfriend almost had a very ugly tankslapper when he came down from a wheelie and went into a highspeed wobble. (this was before I had put the dampner on it!!! Yikes!!)  Not sure why they don't equip those bikes with dampners??  DAMN Kawi folks, oh well....

Anyhooo...  Kudos to you my friend!!  Enjoy the 10 and give us lots of pix and input on it.  I may end up tradin' in the 636 for one next year....  

Yeah, I wasn't gonna mod anything on the 10 for a while, but the damper seems to be a necessity. The only other thing I plan to do anytime soon is a dark smoke Double Bubble or PUIG windscreen. I'll prolly order a damper and put it on next week. Gotta be careful doin' my hard break-in without one... I can do the screen whenever.

I'll definitely bring the pics and feedback. Can't wait to get it broke in and line it up with that local guy's busa just to see what happens. I don't know how well he can ride. Could go either way... Should be FUN though.  
Ha!! Not moddin' the 10.. But already thinkin' dampner and tires. Man.. I say before you have the thing for a year you'll have Ohlins front and back, Marchesini's or BST hoops. and some knarly PVM monoblock brakes. But then of course you'd have a 35K + Kawi.... hmmmm I think I need one too.

Anyway Chris, it's safe to say you've built a mean, clean and fast Busa. I can't wait to see "Project 10R" unveiled. Im sure it'll be hot.
Oh, yea you better not favor the 10r forum over I'll be checkin' post counts..
Ha!! Not moddin' the 10.. But already thinkin' dampner and tires. Man.. I say before you have the thing for a year you'll have Ohlins front and back, Marchesini's or BST hoops. and some knarly PVM monoblock brakes. But then of course you'd have a 35K + Kawi.... hmmmm I think I need one too.

Anyway Chris, it's safe to say you've built a mean, clean and fast Busa. I can't wait to see "Project 10R" unveiled. Im sure it'll be hot.
The only way the 10 is gonna become a project bike is if it just blows my socks off totally and I no longer feel the need to have a project busa, which I still want to do.

If it turns out that the 10 just trips my trigger to the point that I no longer want to mess with a project busa and would rather mod the 10 I'm thinkin' maybe Marvic Penta's w/pilot POWERs, black anodized Sato rearsets, Akropovic full system with PCIIIR, Euro clear front turn signal lenses, and a dyno tune.
Would love to have Ohlins front and rear and race brakes too but unless I change careers, get a damned good promotion, or hit the lottery I prolly won't even be able to afford the other things I mentioned before the 10 is worn out.

For now it's just gonna be a damper and a screen though... I hope.