the return of a member inspired this....

Well, well, well....  A MIA thread huh??  A sistah leaves for a while and the board goes to HELL!!  Rubbah-bride-gown a moderator?? HOLY SHITE!!!  What's really going on??
Baby....I missed you.

You still love me too right

Stick around a little better will ya...everyone knows yer a class act.

I'm still just the class clown.

Cap made me a mod so I'll behave. Now there yellin' crap at me Lo. Go figure eh.

have a good 1...and keep the... RSD.
just where the heck is this guy....

one of the favourites from Gen 2. The Ripper. Better known as The Oracle. Mountain climber,fast rider,no BS kind of guy. Where are you Vaughn?

Stand up guy,great sense of haha.
I think that guy took a "different route" in life.
He may be doing some "alternative modeling" and has found "other uses for the cahones....
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Yeah I did banners for some guys and I haven't been on in a while, but what happened to Haywood? (Canadian right)
you work hard makin' all that stuff for them, and they run away from home....

 kids these days
Shame on em, naw I enjoyed the work. Sometimes I do wonder where these guys are. I know I go in draughts sometimes where I may not post for a few weeks or months, but these have dropped off the face of the earth.
Looking in and I see Lo posted!!! Good to see ya Lo! Hi Rubb I see your kicking over some stones to see who is under there!!! LOL
