Things really are bad....

You are an awesome person, Brian. Obviously, you saw that there was a person you could reach out to and 'go the extra mile'. It IS that extra effort that defines you over others that would simply wave him off as a whiner and push out into the streets just to get on with their beat. I commend you and the service you provide.

This is an extremely tough time and those that have locked down salaries are definitely a rarity. I have myself have thrown out hundred's of résumé's at different categories of skills that I have developed over the years,, and when you think that you may have a chance at a job,, one job,, there are hundreds of others that are hitting that same position at the same time as you are! There was a 'meter reader' position that had come up here in the lower Seattle area,, ONE SPOT! OVER 1600 people applied!

I am not suicidal, nor do I ever think of taking my life, no matter how hard it may seem. I am going through a tough time,, and I don't think I am completely out of it. Tomorrow I say goodbye to a long friend, ,my Porsche turbo,, but it IS just a material item and I will not hang on to a large boulder just to try and swim!

It is strange recently when I go into a store to buy food,,, suddenly,, it is not whether I want it or not,, it is whether I can afford it.

And still, each morning when I wake,, I thank God for my every breath and those that care that are around me. I wish I could help this guy, Brian,, I really do.

Would you have any way to send the guy in the truck something if I could?

Yes. I posted this same story on another forum i post on and a guy pm'd me and asked the same thing. He is going to see if he and some others at work can get something together in the form of a Publix gift certificate. Hopefully everything works out for the guy.

I have delt with this guy before. He once flagged me down in the Wal-Mart parking lot because a guy was beating the crap out of his pregnant girlfriend. I was able to catch up to that piece of crap and arrest him. The guy who reported it was willing to do written, taped or whatever kind of statements i need, even show up in court if needed. Its a shame that these kinds of things happen to good people.
Thanks for the post Brian.

On a side note, I am sending you a PM about something.

On this issue however, yeah, I am totally thankful everyday for my job AND for my wifes job.

Both of our jobs are fairly secure (about as secure as they can be in these times)

I was at work a few weeeks ago and some co-workers were complaining about bonus's. I followed my strong urge to rebuke them.

I just looked at them and said

"you know what? bonus? heck I dont give a crap about any bonus, matter of fact if someone said I was going to have a take a pay cut I would just smile and say "ok". because at least I would still have a job and a check coming in."

Every day I go to work just about I say a little thank you to God for my job.

Just recently (last week) I was hooked up with a neighbor down the street haveing his huge tree being removed. I have spent the last 5 days about 3 hours a day chopping wood and splitting it. I am going to have to wait for about a summer for it to get dried up, but after this coming summer I should have enough fire wood for about 2 years. been thanking God everyday for the free wood and for the awesome excercise I have been getting from chopping the wood.

Been also a great bonding experiance with my 11 year old who just about begged me to let him chop wood with me. So its been cool.

Too many people are not thankful for what they have.

I have a wife I have been married to for over 21 years. couldnt ask for a better wife nor a better mother.

I have three sons who I think are awesome. I mean they aint perfect. But I sure am proud of them.

I have so much to be thankful for. And when you look at the people who are in the same boat as the guy Brian described in this thread, I think if a person has a job, has transportation and isnt going hungry they have nothing to complain about.
great post and a job well done :beerchug:. i feel real bad for the guy thats just horrible.

u r absolutly right about the chances of it being one of us. i greatly appreciate work right now as tuff as it can be sometimes
Good job, I would have gotten him a cart full of groceries as well. Good to see others, going beyond the badge. :beerchug::beerchug:
This board never ceases to amaze me. I have been a member of this board since Feb 2005, and i have been on several rides with some of you. All of the people here are great.

I posted this same story on another forum, and most of the people have been like you guys, but there are some who just have no sympathy. People saying he lived above his means, he should have planned for this, he should have done this, he shoud have done that. Problem is, i think the majority of us arent in a good enough financial state to be layed off and everything still be ok.

Heres a link to the other site. There are some really good people on there, but there are also some buttheads.

Things really are bad.... -
Some people are idiots.

Company's have done surveys and stasitics and the rule of thumb is a household should have enough in savings to carry them through 6 months without income.

The reality is most everyone lives pay check to pay check.

Especially these days when gas prices rise, food cost rise and almost eveything elses rises except for your salary.

I am sure there are people that never used to live pay check to pay check are doing so now.

Yeah, anyone that does not have any sympathy for someone like ths person in this thread really needs to hope they never find themselves in the same shoes. ANY ONE OF US could be there with a bad flip of the coin.

One ilness, a company folding, a company making bad decisions. A number of things could happen that could create a domino affect that could cause a person to lose what they thought was a stable job.
it is comforting know that there still are good Samaritans out there. i do think in some way we are all in the same boat with sketchy jobs and material things we dont want to lose
just the thought of it is horrifying!!!
You did everything you could, you took the time to listen, got the guy home and got him in contact with someone to talk to that most likely will be able to get him in contact with more resources.

Even though you didn't solve all of his problems you got the ball rolling. These are the things that the public never sees when it comes to officers interacting with public.

Good job!
You did good Brian! :beerchug:

I was reading some of the posts in your link.. I agree with some of them... He could manage his finances better, sell his truck....etc..etc..

I my opinion it`s not a point. the point is that he can`t provide for his family. I`d cry too... No one can predict what could happen to him, some can plan ahead and some dont.
He is crashed and embarrassed...

In my opinion people should help each other. Do you have his address?
You did good Brian! :beerchug:

I was reading some of the posts in your link.. I agree with some of them... He could manage his finances better, sell his truck....etc..etc..

I my opinion it`s not a point. the point is that he can`t provide for his family. I`d cry too... No one can predict what could happen to him, some can plan ahead and some dont.
He is crashed and embarrassed...

In my opinion people should help each other. Do you have his address?

I dont have his address, but i can get it. I have to work tonight, i was planning on going by there anyway just to see how he was doing. Hopefully things have gotten better for him.
Good JOb!!! Right place! Right time!! And you saved some one from possibly ending there life! Awesome!:thumbsup::thumbsup::bowdown:
Last night at work, i was called to a suspicious vehicle in a closed park. I didnt think much of it, usually its teenagers taking their trucks out playing in the dirt and mud, no big deal.

When i arrived, i found a nice F250 Powerstroke, little lift on it, and nice rims, just sitting blacked out in a field. Now, im thinkin there is probably a teenage guy and girl having a little fun, and im about to be the a-hole and screw it up.

As i approach the truck, i notice there is only 1 occupant, an midddle aged guy who appeared to be upset. As he climbed out of his truck, he began to tell me that he didnt know what to do. He explained to me that he had been layed off from the job he has had for the past 20 years, and now cant find work anywhere. He went on to explain how he is about to lose his truck and his home. He also told me that he has 2 children, and he does not even have the money to buy them groceries.

The man told me how he has had a job since he was 16 years old, how he was a hard worker, and he prided himself on that, and now look where he is. As im standing there listening, the man began to cry. He explained how he has sent his resume out to over 100 different companies, from Florida to Maine. He told me how his electric bill was due in a few days, and he didnt know where the money was going to come from to cover it. He explained that his mom and dad were both dead, so he could not ask them for help. He told me how he applied for several government programs, but has gotten no response. He told me how he has gone without his heart medication so that his kids could have food on the table.

Long story short (kinda), i followed the man home and called him a counsler. The man was very appreciative of my time, and thanked me. You could tell he was honestly a good guy. He had a nice home, a nice truck and you could see that he worked hard for them.

The entire time i stood there listening to him, i couldnt help but to think, that could be any one of us, at any time. I know i ***** and moan sometimes about my job, more about some of the people actually, but i need to appreciate the fact that i have a job.

Ive heard other people say they cant find a job, and how bad things are right now financially, but standing there with a grown man while he cries because he feels that he cannot support his family anymore was the hardest thing ive had to do in a while. I felt completely helpless, there was nothing i could do to help with his situation. I guess the point im getting at, is those of us who are lucky enough to still have a job, should be thankful. Everyone has good days and bad, but at least at the end of the week, we still have a paycheck coming in.

Im not the most religious guy in the world, but the guy last night was talking about how God has always provided for him, and he's always had faith. He told me how his faith is running out, and he's honestly scared. He doesnt want to burden the people at his church and ask for money, and he said God hasnt put it in his heart to go ask for it.

Anyway, this situation really made me take a step back and be thankful for what i have. It has also shown me that i need to stop whining and complaining about the meaningless things that i want, but dont have. There are a lot of people out there who are worse off than me, and i think we all tend to forget that. This has taught me to be happy and thankful for what i have, and not dwell on the things that i dont.

Yep it could also have been a scam. ???
I have seen people drive out a 100 miles into nowhere, stand next to the road and claim that they had run out of petrol and money and if I would help wih money they would hike and buy fuel!
If you give them fuel they still score:whistle:

Another example is a well dressed guy hiking up and down with a sob story.
He takes your money and off he goes. I have picked him up 3 times already in the last 10 years! Only gave money the first time.
Sad really makes it difficult for the true needy.:whistle:
if everyone would do this the world would be a total different place.... some of the ones in your occupation would have pulled up and tried to make that mans life even worse... and it boils right down to what my mother told me as a kid toughs who make others feel bad are just trying to make them selves feel better.... when really i believe you probably feel better about yourself now than before this happened... if you dont you should.... i want to thank you for being a stronger man than most in your position GOD BLESS YOU
:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:Those who serve an go above an beyond should be acknowledged an appreciated:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: A lot go that extra mile everyday with out notice thanks for sharing.
I'm glad you were a friend that night. I wish the best for everyone who is feeling the economic crunch. I appreciate everyday that I'm in the military. Best of luck to everyone
Really, really sad. Especially when good people are willing to work an honest day. Rather than posting his address, if you'd PM your address, I'd be glad to send some money to you for him.