
So let's take some time to focus on something else. Something. Anything.
everyone pisses and moans about everything "fun" ... till the point where this is little more than a "family dinner" type environment.

you can't post this and can't post that....cause he said -she said and we were all offended!

it's the NET people! Just like TV...if you don't like what you see or you don't want your kids to read it...then be responsible by turning the channel/web page ....and inform you child that this is not a place for them. There are thousands of sites for children...making this place into one of them leaves little room to "alleviate" the tension.

let's see how long it takes for Cap or a moderator to get an email claiming that I am a trouble maker....
or that I am "anti-family".

Are there any among us that are THAT bored with their lives that they fell the NEED to make others miserable too?

Anyone on this board had better be at least 16 or 17 ...cause you have to be at least that old to have a license.

As long as your post is place in the CORRECT category...then anything which doesn't break State/Gov law or the forum rules on profanity and pornography should be allowed to be posted and not locked/erased with fear of bannishment.
R- Rated material is as far as it should EVER go....but even that is too much for some of the nut-less wonders around here....and I am not specifically referring to women either!


Not to say that lookin at buttless chaps is more desireable, though. Just wanted to make that clear.
thanks for clarifying...........
Yeah, you know? I just didn't want anyone to be suspicious or anythin like that.

It's not like those pics are permanently saved onto my hard drive, or anything like that.
sure Pac...lol

Anyhow, I for one needed a good laugh this week, and twisted as this may sound....this is some funny stuff....and what the heck do I care if somone laughs at my sponge-bob's - Laughter is good, especially if one can laugh at one's own self.