Today's Action with Police Involvement at a school

Every organiztion exists to further its own existence. The difference is in how they do that. Private companies report to owners and/or sharholders, public organizations to their stakeholders. Once a union shifts focus from protecting members to protecting it's own employees, it will take a different approach. The term non-profit doesn't mean revenue negative, it is supposed to mean that any revenue generated is put back into the organization to increase effectiveness. Allowing for operating overhead, the members of the union should see the revenue used to make their representation more effective.
Just like government... In reality a lot of 6 figure salaries, wasted spending and the people they serve pay for it all.

And they they found ways to reduce their own tax burden and transfer this resposibility squarely on the employees.

I disagree that a capitalist system is always out of balance. It is always balances, it jsut isn't always equal.

Supply and demand has nothing to do with need. An artifical demand (a want) is still a demand.

And this steering of capiatlism is what makes it a modified version. Goverment interference in the market is not capitalism. The market dictates everything....
Where's that dead horse emoji?
Unions are interference too. A market driven economy would allow the businesses that don't take care of their workers to fail. No interference needed. Downside is that people would die....

Again, I agree. I just wish that people would stop calling the economic system in this country capitalism, it isn't, and those who are advantaged by it don't want it to be.
You missed the point, these are the academic list of the factors maintaining control in a mock capitalist system. The issues you mention are details, or why these controls aren't working. That has to be fixed.

It is historical fact that mock capitalism (as I'll call it) is always seeking a different equilibrium. When it gets too far out of balance it is revolutionary, a little out of balance it is a correction.
Tough videos to watch Red . One thing about first video that does not sit well with me is the Son getting on TV . Mom is homeless , and killed . That is sad , but the son has no tears . How can he let his mother be homeless ?
Still not making the connection between the video of the cop getting shot and race. The video you posted second is full of cuts and nonsense, I'm sure some people subscribe to it's cotents, typical gloom and doom. But by it's own reckoning, twice as many people don't believe the end is upon us as do.
Still not making the connection
between the video of the cop getting shot and race .

The video you posted second is full of cuts and nonsense ,
I am sure some people subscribe to its contents,
typical gloom and doom .

But by its own reckoning ,
twice as many people
do not believe the end

is upon us as do .

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