Damn, you guys are a bunch of OLD folkers!
I'm not that far from drawing my social security either. I may become the only guy in existence to be a genuine medicare card toten track instructor for you younguns!
I get the strangest looks some times when I pull my helmet off and walk into the classroom to face a room full of students of all ages. That "Deer caught in the headlight look" with the jaw hanging loose is "Priceless"!
There are no age limits on skill. However, there does/will come a time when the reflexes just can't keep up with the speed. When the body cannot respond quickly to what the eyes see. I have not reached that point yet.
I am very much aware that as the years creep past, one at a time, the body becomes more fragile and takes longer to heal. I have 40+ track events scheduled this season. I am so grateful that I can take advantage of this opportunity at this point in my life. It's like hitting the lottery. How many guys have the means and the skills (I have paid my dues to accomplish both) to play this hard and actually get paid for it?
I just hope I'll know when it's time to park the track bike and enjoy the twilight years on a cruiser? I wish I could take the knowledge I have accumulated, wrap it up with a big red bow and leave it under some Youngster's Christmas Tree who's just learning to let the clutch out without stalling the engine on his first bike.