Too old to ride a Hayabusa

wat does age have to do with anything? I personally know a 56 yr. old guy that is in better shape then any 20 or 30 yr. old I know. I also know of a guy in his 70's the has a 7 second drag car. age is just a number and means very little today with modern medicine and supplements. todays 50 is like yeastedays 30.
Joe Desantis was qualifying this weekend on a Suzuki PSM at Gainesville,i believe he's 69 or 70 now.:thumbsup:

...and then there's Chris Karamesines still havin' a go in Top Fuel Dragster,he's 80 or 81.:thumbsup:
wat does age have to do with anything? I personally know a 56 yr. old guy that is in better shape then any 20 or 30 yr. old I know. I also know of a guy in his 70's the has a 7 second drag car. age is just a number and means very little today with modern medicine and supplements. todays 50 is like yeastedays 30.

I resemble that remark :laugh:
I resemble that remark :laugh:
lol.... well good for u. age doesnt mean chit these days. hell if ppl got the money they can get growth hormone too.

how do u think sly stallone looks like hes 35 when he like 65. not to mention stem cell facelifts that have been out for a year or so. advancements in medicine, surgery, supplements, drugs, etc.... will allow most to look good until their in their 70's ill bet and able to do physical exercises and hobbys till they croak.
lol.... well good for u. age doesnt mean chit these days. hell if ppl got the money they can get growth hormone too.

how do u think sly stallone looks like hes 35 when he like 65. not to mention stem cell facelifts that have been out for a year or so. advancements in medicine, surgery, supplements, drugs, etc.... will allow most to look good until their in their 70's ill bet and able to do physical exercises and hobbys till they croak.

Did you see the last Rocky movie? 35??? I don't think so:laugh:

From my dunce stool :cookoo:
Ignore those comments and enjoy what is possibly the very best motorcycle ever made! Ride it like an RM-500!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Did you see the last Rocky movie? 35??? I don't think so:laugh:

From my dunce stool :cookoo:
:laugh:well he never did actually take his shirt off but I was refering to more of the size and lean muscle displayed in his arms which ull have admit was pretty impressive for his age or anyones age for that matter

I would tell some they need to get back on their cruiser and leave you alone.
Tell them the Busa knocks 10 years off your age...

You get more excercise on the Busa throwing that knee off the side. Even if you are riding in a straight line, you can throw the knee out and judge by the wind how fast you are going then compare it with your speedo. This method works up to about 75 mph. After that it's a little iffy on the accuracy.

The purchased of a Harley adds 10 years as soon as it sits in your driveway~!~

It'll make you look older too, as soon as that harley beard and pony tail start growing out and turning white. You feel like you are going fast at 19 mph because the low slung exhaust is throwing sparks off the pavement in place of your titanium knee pucks.

The transition from full leathers to chaps and vest is a hard one to do, and some only want to do half at a time. You see pictures of these people in the "people of Walmart" websites wearing a Gixxer joe rocket mesh jacket with a pair of chaps (with or without the butt section) and Sidi racing boots. You can tell these people are going through speed withdrawal and are unable to make the full transition. These people also sneak out at 2 am and sit on their neighbor's Busa until the sun comes up.
In my best televangelist voice: "It's a devil machine spawned by Satin himself. Put here on earth to weed out the sinners!!! I say let them flourish!" :poke:
I sold my Street Glide because I was bored with it last summer and just recently picked up a 2011 Busa. I'm 45 and still riding.
This thread is making me feel depressed.

So, all I'm gonna say, is everytime I get on the Busa, I feel like I am 21 years old again.:laugh:
I am being told by some that at the age of 58 a Busa is to much for me and I should be an old Harley man or give up bikes completely!
What are your thoughts on this I the oldest here?

Just got back from the first ride of the season on the Bus. If you feel younger than the number on your birth certificate, enjoy the rush of adrenalin when you whack open the throttle, hate going to the dentist to replace a filling that fell out from vibration, appreciate a bike that will take a corner without doing anything strange to fill your shorts and like little kids constantly asking you how fast you've had it going.....then buy a Busa.
Then again if you want to look like a bad boy on the weekend cause your a lawyer, grow a goatee, wear black teeshirts, not respond to any other bikers waving at you, get a beer belly, enjoy your feet dangling way out in front so far that the cold wind blows up you pant leg and freezes your nuggets and only ride from bar to bar or Tim Hortons to Tim Hortons ( this is Canada eh ! )...then buy a Harley.
Out of respect to Harley owners they are gorgeous bikes with excellent fit and finish....Just not for me.
Bet nobody will notice how old I am busy admiring the bike I hope:laugh:

On Busa.jpg
I am being told by some that at the age of 58 a Busa is to much for me and I should be an old Harley man or give up bikes completely!
What are your thoughts on this I the oldest here?


I'm 59 and just picked up a used 2008 Busa last fall. I haven't ridden it much given the weather this time of year in this area but I'm looking forward to riding it more as the weather improves. I wanted 1 more high perfomance motorcycle and haven't had one in many years. I've modified the riding position to make it more user friendly. Even with these modifications the riding position is still the least comfortable of any of the other bikes I own but manageable for I believe 200-300 miles in a day which was my goal. I've been told by others on this site that the more I ride it the more the riding position will become acceptable and so far that has been the case.

Enjoy the ride!

I am the little old man, 5-5, 160#,64 years old, been riding for 50. those of us who can, do, those who cant tell us we shouldn,t.