took the boat out


Donating Member
What do you get when you cross boredom with a Skeeter ZX200 bassboat, a Yamaha SHO200, a gopro camera, 2 ratchet straps and a 20 foot extension pole? You get a video of yourself running at almost 68mph on a hilly lake. :rofl: The camera kept rotating.
Quit looking at the camera before you hit something :laugh: Glad you're out there having fun.
Quit looking at the camera before you hit something :laugh: Glad you're out there having fun.

:rofl: It was early morning and I was pretty much alone on the lake. That and I wanted to make sure the gopro was still there.
Fixed issue with previous post
Ok I want to see the boat. You guys were flat out getting it. That thing sounds sweet.
168 MPH GPS and we ran out of open area on the lake :laugh:
A pair of 1500HP on C16/1250HP on Pump Gas Sterlings, that run was on 93 octane pump gas.

twin Sterling 1550s.jpg

I was going to talk about the ride I took in a friend of mines 28' Nordic with a blown 542 CI BBC that makes just over 1K HP that we ran 101 MPH in but I have nothing after seeing that...