Top Speed!?!?


Donating Member
Okay so how fast are these things? my Speedo tells me things but its wrong, TV tells me things, but they are wrong too, Bonnevillle tells me things but its salt, tires spin, more friction... How fast will a stock Busa, W/O limiter go?
It also depends on riders weight and ability to tuck well. I'll jump out there and tell you less than 180. We do have a female member that ran 186 at Maxton on a Stock Busa. I'm not sure what the rules allow to be called stock. To my knowledge she was running a TRE and a shifter.
Probably 180-190, doesnt have the hp (STOCK) to get much more than that. I am no expert, but that is what my research has led me to come to. Mine is not Stock so I cant give you an exact #, and although each bike is built the same, there are no 2 bikes that will go the EXACT same speed right out of the box(IMO).
Well alot of factors will have to contribute to that,as mention above the riders weight and the mods on that bike's weight and hp
Okay so how fast are these things? my Speedo tells me things but its wrong, TV tells me things, but they are wrong too, Bonnevillle tells me things but its salt, tires spin, more friction... How fast will a stock Busa, W/O limiter go?

Factory limiter is 186mph. Without limiter most tests report somewhere between 189 and 196. Seems to depend on altitude, rider-proportions, rider skills, and ability to tuck. Also requires hump and no centerstand. This is for Gen-1. Gen-2 could add a couple more, but only a couple. You'll need turbo or nos to go faster. Speedo will read higher, e.g. the standard 7.5% will read 200mph at the 186 limit, and 210 at the 196 actual.
Posted via Mobile Device
Go "TIMMAY"..........

Met a local guy a few weeks ago, that claims 194 on gps. His Busa is a 99 with 10K, Yoshi 4-1, he weighs about 160, and it was on a mile stretch of road.

Although I don't know him well, he doesn't seem to be living in a dream world. Seems a straight up, no BS kind of guy.
Mines bone stock 06 model other than a BMC filter and resister mod and I weight in at around 260. Gps said 188....speedo said WAY faster,lol.
Speedo's lie. Period. I ran my lightly modded 04 in October at the Mile to 181MPH. An Identical bone stock no mods STOCK bike ran 173MPH the same place same time if I remember right( I would have to check the results to 100% sure) the same day a bone stock 08 with the exhaust and mirrors removed ran 190MPH. THose are actual real world #'s at the Texas Mile.
Met a local guy a few weeks ago, that claims 194 on gps. His Busa is a 99 with 10K, Yoshi 4-1, he weighs about 160, and it was on a mile stretch of road.

Although I don't know him well, he doesn't seem to be living in a dream world. Seems a straight up, no BS kind of guy.

That sounds reasonable.
July 2008 Cycle World
Lemoore Naval Air Station, CA
VBOX GPS timing system:
2008 STOCK Hayabusa = 185.68 MPH
I don't think 194 is least not in just a mile. My 2000 is unregulated, PCIII, full Muzzy, etc, etc, and in a full tuck on GPS...184 mph. The last 10 mph needs some space!
So many conditions factor in...a bike can do 190 stock one day and the same bike might only do 182 stock the next day.

Rider Weight
Outside Temperature (for engines and tires)
Fuel (some fuels are just worse than others)
Factory limiter is 186mph. Without limiter most tests report somewhere between 189 and 196. Seems to depend on altitude, rider-proportions, rider skills, and ability to tuck. Also requires hump and no centerstand. This is for Gen-1. Gen-2 could add a couple more, but only a couple. You'll need turbo or nos to go faster. Speedo will read higher, e.g. the standard 7.5% will read 200mph at the 186 limit, and 210 at the 196 actual.
Posted via Mobile Device

I know someone that put 6K in the motor and only turned 193 at Maxton. The bike is tremendous, but hitting 180 on it is difficult guys, very difficult.

He was probably making close to 200 at the rear wheel.
shouldn't cost 6k in motor to pass 200 in the mile. Poor fella don't tell him I said that though.
I know someone that put 6K in the motor and only turned 193 at Maxton. The bike is tremendous, but hitting 180 on it is difficult guys, very difficult.

He was probably making close to 200 at the rear wheel.