Two days at the range shooting .

I'm always reluctant to say this to people.
Hunter has had a weapon in his room since age 10. @ about age 12 he got the bolt to his rifle. @ 13 he got to keep ammo with the rifle. @ 14 he bought his 1911. 45 acp
And was allowed to keep loaded except nothing in chamber.
Two vacations we left him home alone for school and care of dogs. Ages were 15 and 16 years old with all guns. Now a US MARINE who was ahead of most other recruits in basic training. Responsible teaching. Now his older brother ( does not live with us) I wouldn't leave him alone with a BB gun :( same teaching just a bad apple.
Up here it is legislation into extinction, there may be a law coming to ban handguns here in Canada. The current government is leaning hard in that direction.

They don't want you to have firearms for a reason this is just a nice way for you to all accept and swallow a bitter pill. History repeats it's self; pretty sure the germans did the same thing just not so nicely.
They don't want you to have firearms for a reason this is just a nice way for you to all accept and swallow a bitter pill. History repeats it's self; pretty sure the germans did the same thing just not so nicely.
The national socialists didn't take guns away. They took people away.
I'm always reluctant to say this to people.
Hunter has had a weapon in his room since age 10. @ about age 12 he got the bolt to his rifle. @ 13 he got to keep ammo with the rifle. @ 14 he bought his 1911. 45 acp
And was allowed to keep loaded except nothing in chamber.
Two vacations we left him home alone for school and care of dogs. Ages were 15 and 16 years old with all guns. Now a US MARINE who was ahead of most other recruits in basic training. Responsible teaching. Now his older brother ( does not live with us) I wouldn't leave him alone with a BB gun :( same teaching just a bad apple.
Yes training and understanding at a young age removes the curiosity. Some people just are not capable or in the correct mindset to have/use guns. My best friend gets excited & has no business near a gun ever. My oldest Boy is not responsible and makes bad decisions so training could not fix that; he had shotguns purchased for him but never displayed competency so he didn't earn the trust or right to them. My youngest was around them early & was taught well at the range which gave him understanding of how each type works what they can do & how to safely handle them. He was instilled with the understanding that all of dad's guns are always loaded and ready to go so leave them alone. He knew they were there for home invasion & respected my instructions. He just turned 21 and has several rifles & shotguns in my safe since he doesn't have one but last year he received a 357 along with a small safe for it. I am proud of how he handles himself on all fronts.
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Off topic Hunter has two older brothers . Tristan age 22 USMC Corporal ,and Joseph 19 living with ex in laws. No job or drivers license :( Also have my baby boy Stefen ( how his mom wanted it spelled ) who is 9 .
I'm always reluctant to say this to people.
Hunter has had a weapon in his room since age 10. @ about age 12 he got the bolt to his rifle. @ 13 he got to keep ammo with the rifle. @ 14 he bought his 1911. 45 acp
And was allowed to keep loaded except nothing in chamber.
Two vacations we left him home alone for school and care of dogs. Ages were 15 and 16 years old with all guns. Now a US MARINE who was ahead of most other recruits in basic training. Responsible teaching. Now his older brother ( does not live with us) I wouldn't leave him alone with a BB gun :( same teaching just a bad apple.
Your reluctance to share this with others indicates part of the problem. People don't take time to understand situations before they fly off the handle and make their mind up about things. They allow their emotions to be manipated and express baseless opinions. There's no problem with what you did Bryan, it's a shame that some people would make you feel that way.
boogerface's didn't take guns away. They took people away.
They took the guns 1st marched through what were Polish people going to do when they banged on the door & came in giving orders. You are isolated and have family to look out for so they did nothing. They took all the gold & silver which is stable currency.
It started long before they invaded Poland. I'm telling you, they didn't come after guns. They disappeared people.....entire subcultures from society.
Weapons and the means to communicate either by two way radios and even simple receivers were removed before people started being removed.
Weapons and the means to communicate either by two way radios and even simple receivers were removed before people started being removed.
Respectfully, that's factually inaccurate. They actually lossened restrictions on purchasing weapons. Certain groups were not allowed access to weapons of all sorts, not just firearms, but by then the extermination ball was already rolling.
I have never shot any firearm in anger at another human being
I do know two who have. Neither bad guy died
And yet both of them had trouble afterwards dealing with what they needed to do
Both wonder if they could have done anything different to have de-escallated the situation before shooting became nessassary.
Soldiers come home, policemen come home and these trained psychologically screened professionals who realise they are there for my protection can return home with PTSD
I am not anti gun per se any discussion on gun control is a two beer three cigarette discussion at a minimum
However I do think a lot of my untrained "I Want a Gun" friends have given no thought to the realities of shooting or even killing another human. They do not hunt. They do not fish. I'm not sure they have ever seen anything die before their eyes
I hope none of them ever has to fire at anyone in anger. Because I do not think they will be prepared to make wise choices in the gravest extremes Nor do I think they will handle it well afterwards. Nor do I think they will admit it. And that worries me
I have never shot any firearm in anger at another human being
I do know two who have. Neither bad guy died
And yet both of them had trouble afterwards dealing with what they needed to do
Both wonder if they could have done anything different to have de-escallated the situation before shooting became nessassary.
Soldiers come home, policemen come home and these trained psychologically screened professionals who realise they are there for my protection can return home with PTSD
I am not anti gun per se any discussion on gun control is a two beer three cigarette discussion at a minimum
However I do think a lot of my untrained "I Want a Gun" friends have given no thought to the realities of shooting or even killing another human. They do not hunt. They do not fish. I'm not sure they have ever seen anything die before their eyes
I hope none of them ever has to fire at anyone in anger. Because I do not think they will be prepared to make wise choices in the gravest extremes Nor do I think they will handle it well afterwards. Nor do I think they will admit it. And that worries me
Well said.
Yes training and understanding at a young age removes the curiosity. Some people just are not capable or in the correct mindset to have/use guns. My best friend gets excited & has no business near a gun ever. My oldest Boy is not responsible and makes bad decisions so training could not fix that; he had shotguns purchased for him but never displayed competency so he didn't earn the trust or right to them. My youngest was around them early & was taught well at the range which gave him understanding of how each type works what they can do & how to safely handle them. He was instilled with the understanding that all of dad's guns are always loaded and ready to go so leave them alone. He knew they were there for home invasion & respected my instructions. He just turned 21 and has several rifles & shotguns in my safe since he doesn't have one but last year he received a 357 along with a small safe for it. I am proud of how he handles himself on all fronts.
My son 300yrd range 223 kel tec

It's foolish to think that banning handguns will solve the problem, just as it's equally foolish to think that arming everyone will either. Politicians are only interested in reelection, not actually bringing solutions to the table.
Sadly, public opinion sways the government into making decisions it seems. Even if they ban hand guns here in Canada, it won't keep them out of the hands of bad guys. We have such strict controls that rarely does anyone get shot accidentally.
I'm always reluctant to say this to people.
Hunter has had a weapon in his room since age 10. @ about age 12 he got the bolt to his rifle. @ 13 he got to keep ammo with the rifle. @ 14 he bought his 1911. 45 acp
And was allowed to keep loaded except nothing in chamber.
Two vacations we left him home alone for school and care of dogs. Ages were 15 and 16 years old with all guns. Now a US MARINE who was ahead of most other recruits in basic training. Responsible teaching. Now his older brother ( does not live with us) I wouldn't leave him alone with a BB gun :( same teaching just a bad apple.

I was raised with a rifle in my hand and was shooting when I was very young, a rifle was a tool to us on our farm.
I raised my boys the same way, both are serving now (Air Force and Artillery) both did our version of the weapon safety course (need this before you are able to buy any weapon) and excelled at the course above their peers.

Some people on that course are down right scary and have no business owning or handling a weapon of any kind but somehow they get through it and are unleashed on the world.

That being said, our ammo and weapons have to be locked up separately and when transporting, in the trunk. To own a handgun you need to be a member of a club and the handgun can only be transported to and from that club locked up with no stops.

It's easy to tell we don't live in a country were guns are welcome.
Sadly, public opinion sways the government into making decisions it seems. Even if they ban hand guns here in Canada, it won't keep them out of the hands of bad guys. We have such strict controls that rarely does anyone get shot accidentally.
Public opinion should sway government, but how does the public form it's opinion? When the answer is other than informed and civil discussion, there's a problem....
Public opinion should sway government, but how does the public form it's opinion? When the answer is other than informed and civil discussion, there's a problem....
I'd say media is the vessel used to form opinions. Each and every time gun violence is portrayed in the media, the drums get to beating and the government is overwhelmed with calls to ban hand guns and assault style weapons.

If the current government remains in power after our next election, this will ring true
I'd say media is the vessel used to form opinions. Each and every time gun violence is portrayed in the media, the drums get to beating and the government is overwhelmed with calls to ban hand guns and assault style weapons.

If the current government remains in power after our next election, this will ring true
I agree, and therein lies the problem. The media has a vested interest in making the world outside your door seem far worse than it actually is, and people don't recognize that.
Canada is similar yet very different than the USA in how we think about guns and even our own projection of force.

Our military has been allowed to barely struggle by and the people of Canada would rather it operate in the shadows. Public support for our military soared during Afghanistan but only after our troops were dying. Today the people of Canada would rather not hear about it.

All this leads to how we view guns. There are a minority who embrace a (safe) gun culture whereas the majority are opposed to this. We have gone from an agricultural society to a very suburban society and many of these people have never had anything to do with a gun. Even finding a gun store or range is a challenge in many communities.