Two days at the range shooting .

Where are you getting the FBI and CDC information from?
Yes, the owner has a very small percentage of a gun being used against them, however that statistic only tells a small part of the story. A gun has a very high likelihood of causing harm, intentional or otherwise, to a person in the household. Some of this is simply because of proximity, and doesn't tell the whole story either. Stats are an interesting tool, often misused in the hands of the untrained. Sound familiar?

One of my research papers I wrote while working on my graduate degree was about firearms and defense. The FBI Uniform Crime report is a great place to start and is available to the public free of charge. Other more detailed reports are available for a nominal fee. The CDC data required a lot of sorting and analysis. It too is available to the public provided one has a reason to search it (associations and educational use) and pays a nominal fee. I also sourced U.S. justice department studies. All of these compiled to agree on the 0.2% use of firearm against owner. That alone does not say how the weapon came to be used against the owner either. there is no proof of causation - such as a bad guy disarming an owner. It could be owner shooting himself, bad guy stealing the weapon before the owner arrives on the scene ,or some other situation. I state it because one commonly held untruth is that if you have a gun it will most likely be used against you. Not only is it not likely, it is minimal.

It's true. A gun in the home generates proximity. Just as one has a higher probability of drowning if they have a swimming pool, a gun in the home means the possibility exists for failure.
Interesting. What is your degree in?
The UCR has limitations, but it's a decent resource. However, there is still a significantly higher probability that a gun in a home will be used against a resident of said home than an intruder.
I agree, and therein lies the problem. The media has a vested interest in making the world outside your door seem far worse than it actually is, and people don't recognize that.

Can you explain this statement? What would be their reason, what is in it for them to mislead the public? What would they get out of lying to the public?
Can you explain this statement? What would be their reason, what is in it for them to mislead the public? What would they get out of lying to the public?
How does media (in any form) generate revenue? By demonstrating market share to prospective advertisers. The worse the world seems, the less likely people are to venture out into it. Fear is one of the most basic and effective human motivators. If we aren't outside experiencing the world what are we doing? How do we find out what's going on "out there"? We turn on our preferred media outlet...
How about Anderson Cooper
standing in the ditch chest deep
in water for hurricane flooding ?

Or the pretending reporters facing hurricane winds
like they are being blown away then the kids
walk by half the weight waving ?

Media lie far more often than tell the true story .

Oh, right, reporters don't lie, sensationalize or exaggerate. Because Anderson Cooper says he doesn't. Come tf on.
Media outlets, like any other organization, are in existence to generate revenue. That's what they do. The higher the market share, the higher the price for advertising time. They have a vested interest in making you watch/listen/read/click. To think otherwise is naive.
I love going to the range and shooting it's a great way to spend some time. I also carry all the time (except work, company policy). If you choose to carry a gun carry it all the time, everywhere (legally of course).

If any of you are interested in finding out about the truth when it comes to gun stats pick up a copy of "The War on Guns" by John Lott Jr. Ph.D. It is a great read if you like data. He breaks it down and shows how it is manipulated for talking points.

ISBN 978-1-62157-580-1
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I love going to the range and shooting it's a great way to spend some time. I also carry all the time (except work, company policy). If you choose to carry a gun carry it all the time, everywhere (legally of course).

If any of you are interested in finding out about the truth when it comes to gun stats pick up a copy of "The War on Guns" by John Lott Jr. Ph.D. It is a great read if you like data. He breaks it down and shows how it is manipulated for talking points.

ISBN 978-1-62157-580-1
There are serious academic issues with Lott's methods and findings, but he has some valid points.
To your first point, agreed and well said. Being comfortable with a weapon is a huge part of utilizing it correctly, a part that is often overlooked.
There are serious academic issues with Lott's methods and findings, but he has some valid points.
To your first point, agreed and well said. Being comfortable with a weapon is a huge part of utilizing it correctly, a part that is often overlooked.

Another thing that is overlooked by many is shooting under stress. You have to practice under stress to be able to perform when stuff gets real. You have to find a way to get the adrenaline pumping, to bring on the tunnel vision, the hearing block, and then work around it or through it to be effective and make good decisions.
Another thing that is overlooked by many is shooting under stress. You have to practice under stress to be able to perform when stuff gets real. You have to find a way to get the adrenaline pumping, to bring on the tunnel vision, the hearing block, and then work around it or through it to be effective and make good decisions.
I agree completely.
Sitting on a range and being under fire or duress is a big factor....

I never think of this as I have been acclimatized and trained for this but it never dawned on me that an ordinary citizen would be carrying and maybe using a weapon.

Very good point brought up there....
"Another thing that is overlooked by many is shooting under stress. You have to practice under stress to be able to perform when stuff gets real. "
"Being comfortable with a weapon is a huge part of utilizing it correctly, a part that is often overlooked."

I could not agree more with these two statements.
Owning a gun does not make you safe. In fact it might make you over confident and cause you to do something stupid
Gun control with all its hype misinformation and many assorted legal issues is less important than being able to control your gun. If holding, (re)loading, aiming and hitting your target are not fully automatic then you may be more of a danger to society than a help
I am reading all true things that sound nice. Here is my input. I don't know to many of your backgrounds or training in this area. Shooting targets at leisure is one thing. Shooting under time constraints with set ammo & magazine changes brings out all kinds of factors/stress some mentioned. Now throw in head to head competition running & pushups prior to a dueling tree or set course changes things to real time. Tactical training is a little out of the box & you are in odd situations and levels of functioning and either you have a will to survive and are prepared or not. What happens to everyone is adrenalin pumps like crazy as a survival response but you loose all fine motor skills, easy tasks anyone can normally perform. It is an odd feeling your brain knows what to do is communicating but you can't complete a simplet thing. Like signing your name locating bullets or reloading. Like giving a sledge hammer to Neanderthal & saying fix that chair.
When can function under these conditions & think what can i do to survive continue to fight with out my strong arm say you were shot. There are ways around this one officer was shot inside a super market in arm was alone & down on kness assailant was still a threat at outer doors. Officer wanted to live had responsibility to keep patrons in store from harm & was in a bad way. He was able to get a clerk to come to him & reload his firearm since he was unable. Perp did re enter to finish him off & was shot dead.
I must confess regardless of the news source I have come to be very suspicious of the honesty and motives of President Trumps family members with regards to pretty much anything they post
I mean this with all respect to the President. He was elected by the people in an election run the same way they have been run for many years. I believe in the will of the people through democratic elections
But his family was not. The members of his family are not under the same constraints as the President is to be honest to the people of the United States. President Trump is the President of ALL the people. Not just those who can be of value to him. He must act accordingly.
His family, much like various news agencies, are in it for their own benefit therefore I am suspicious of their motives Just as I am with news agencies.
The former I expect. The latter has come to disappoint me.
I miss men like Walter Cronkite
I must confess regardless of the news source I have come to be very suspicious of the honesty and motives of President Trumps family members with regards to pretty much anything they post
I mean this with all respect to the President. He was elected by the people in an election run the same way they have been run for many years. I believe in the will of the people through democratic elections
But his family was not. The members of his family are not under the same constraints as the President is to be honest to the people of the United States. President Trump is the President of ALL the people. Not just those who can be of value to him. He must act accordingly.
His family, much like various news agencies, are in it for their own benefit therefore I am suspicious of their motives Just as I am with news agencies.
The former I expect. The latter has come to disappoint me.
I miss men like Walter Cronkite
Amazed how people that don't live here follow and act like it’s important. Everyone has their own problems but act like Americas are moren important than their own.