

Rick Rollin'
So you know. I just wanted a nice relaxing night before I got final prep and finish sanding all my bike stuff for paint tomorrow then I paint Sunday. I go out to grab a quick bite to eat and come back and i hear loud moaning coming out of my room. So as a warning I turn the knob knowing it is locked and then knock. My roommate answers the door, half hiding behind it with his head showing and I say "Dude, are you f---ing kidding me?" He says, "Give me 10 minutes". As I start to turn around and walk off I say "Dude, it is a f---ing barracks room. That is disgusting". Then his girlfriend decides to mouth off and says "B---h, just go away" from back inside the room behind him. So, being the person I am, I immediately do a 180 and procede to approach the door again and say "Well I can make it easy for you and have you barred from being in this room and the barracks if you would like?". My roommate then shuts her up and says he is going to get clothes on and to give him one minute.

His girlfriend has been coming over often. Last weekend she spent two nights over and they fought for about 5 hours then. Keep in mind, this barracks room is about 16x15 plus a bathroom area and houses 3 guys with 1 tall enclosure for electronics and such, 1 small set of drawers (size of a nightstand), 1 small closet, and a twin bed for each of the three guys. When this girl comes it makes a 4th person in here so it is just stupid crowded so I have already been a little irritated as to why they dont go stay in her apt 45 minutes away every weekend. They had sex in the shower last weekend while myself and my 3rd roommate were just out here so I had to have a discussion about that. These barracks are not in good shape anyway and I find it pretty disgusting for someone to be acting like that period, let alone in this atmosphere and in my damn place of living. I have to live with the person but there is only so little I can take. I am not one to be disrespectful towards a female (as you can tell by my response to her above I said nothing insulting), but if she continues to run her disrespectful mouth I will be sure I never have to listen to it again. As more background, per the orders, we are not allowed to have anyone in the barracks without being signed in with the Duty at the desk on the bottom floor nor are they allowed to be here past 10PM which he and his girlfriend break all the time. Me just being a little nice have kind of just overlooked it but it is getting to the point where I am just about done with it.

Oh, and the chick is an ugly stripper too. No good bodily features and looks like her face got hit by a train. I have looked this girl in the face only once in the many times she has been here. Turns my stomach. And I am not exaggerating, I wish I was...

And yes by my use of language above that I am trying to cease, I was quite mad and still am because it makes my place of living uncomfortable and that is not ok. People are absolutely disgusting. I for one, when I had the chance once, didn't give a thought to doing such a thing in a barracks room. Rant over.
Wow i see your Chazzo Paint got off the slow boat and got here quicker! :moon:
Wow i see your Chazzo Paint got off the slow boat and got here quicker! :moon:

I ordered my paint Wednesday night. Should have been mixed and delivered to the hobby shop thursday afternoon. I was never really buying chinese paint :laugh:
She'll marry him if he's stupid enough to ask her...for the BENEFITS...
She'll marry him if he's stupid enough to ask her...for the BENEFITS...

I wish they would get married. Then he would move out....

Hopefully he will get her pregnant and be forced to. Then he can tell his kid how he was conceived in a barracks room.
Most people do not respect others especially when it comes to sex. Most men and women alike do not care where and when they do it as long as they are. You are right by saying something and for me the shower would have been the last straw. I would put the boot in her ASS and tell him to respect you and the other guy or you will take measures to put a stop to it. I know it might make the living conditions hard but I am sure in the long run he will see it good for all involved. Best of luck
This is your buddy's problem to solve, or you can solve it for him, but that's his choice. When you talk to him, remember if the situation was reversed and YOU were getting laid....:laugh:
This is your buddy's problem to solve, or you can solve it for him, but that's his choice. When you talk to him, remember if the situation was reversed and YOU were getting laid....:laugh:

If I was in his position, I would not be doing what he is. I hate the barracks and so does he. I dont get why they come here all the time when they have her apartment to go to. It is stupid.

It definitely will be fixed whether he complies or not.
Her face has no bearings on what has happened. Your roommate/roomy, or whatever the **** you want to call this disrespectable piece of **** is an ******* that does not respect others privacy. Give ONE warning. No sex in the living quarters. Next time you will report his rude behavior.
Say it, mean it.
This is the NEW Marine Corps...just be glad it's not another guy :puke:
What difference would that make? How about if the girl hadn't fallen out of the ugly tree? Would that make it better?

It would not make a difference. If she was better looking it would still annoying as hell. Still shouldnt be something you do here in this small of a room that 3 guys occupy.

Oh and I didnt mention her man voice. She has the deep voice of someone who has smoked for 40 years....
It would not make a difference. If she was better looking it would still annoying as hell. Still shouldnt be something you do here in this small of a room that 3 guys occupy.

Oh and I didnt mention her man voice. She has the deep voice of someone who has smoked for 40 years....

I read ya loud and clear - what they are doing is just rude. It's hard enough living in a small place like that with multiple people.
Oh and I didnt mention her man voice. She has the deep voice of someone who has smoked for 40 years....
WOW just how old is she? And you say she is stripper? She mush have started smoking at a very young age :rofl:

Sorry bud I had to :laugh:
Sounds to me like you haven't gotten any in a while and are a bit jealous. :whistle:


Maybe they are acting out some fantasy? He's her general and orders her to drop and give him.....
Id do everything in my power to make it as awkward as I can when she's there. I mean everything.

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