unemployment rate on the org

whats your employment status?

  • Employed

    Votes: 235 79.9%
  • laid off

    Votes: 41 13.9%
  • retired

    Votes: 10 3.4%
  • temporary job after being laid off

    Votes: 8 2.7%

  • Total voters


After reading Lurch's post about losing his job and seeing a few responses of others in the same boat myself included, I'm wondering what the unemployment rate here on the org is. And how long have you been out of work.
I lost my Job to a outsourcing company in India.
Kindly do the needful and respond to the poll :whistle:
I work for a small ( 17 people company ). Most have been there a long time.
We went to a 35 hour week to avoid any layoffs ( so far ). I can't blame the boss,
business has been down the tubes for a long time now. I feel he has been as fair as he can.
I was in a really dead in job. Had to call in every day and see if I was working (construction). Over the last 2 years work has gotten really bad her in Arizona, so I decided to go ahead and retire. I'm one of the lucky ones. I already had my Marine Corps retirement and that coupled with my social security and a part time job I'm making more now than when I was working full time. It was a big leap for me to go from working all my life to working about 69 hours per month; but so far,so good...
think theyre should be a seasonal working non working setup on there. which fall in to. but voted employed,
still employed after a little over 10 years with the current employer but took another pay cut in the middle of the year (about 13%)...they also just cut out paying for work clothes, upped our costs for benefits again, and aren't replacing workers in my postion when they quit/retire/are fired...currently, i'm just glad to have a job and am waiting to see what the future holds
I put laid off not yet but I expect it.
Sorry 4 caps dogs jumping on me.
I might try find something or just draw unemployment this summer
They call me back in oct.I hope 2 take in a few grand bracket racing this summer.
Im setup 2 win.
I put employed but I might as well be unemployed with what I have been cut too, business is slow so we sit doing nothing for 6-7 hrs of our 11 hour day. Since we are on commission, it doesn't bother the boss to much. If he fired me I would make more money with unemployment.
I put laid off not yet but I expect it.
Sorry 4 caps dogs jumping on me.
I might try find something or just draw unemployment this summer
They call me back in oct.I hope 2 take in a few grand bracket racing this summer.
Im setup 2 win.
taking advantage of unemployment! I like your cup half full attitude!!!:thumbsup:
I put employed but I might as well be unemployed with what I have been cut too, business is slow so we sit doing nothing for 6-7 hrs of our 11 hour day. Since we are on commission, it doesn't bother the boss to much. If he fired me I would make more money with unemployment.

What do you sell? Toyotas?
One point that the unemployment rate is missing...yeah I'm still employed but...
I've taken 2 big paycuts and am making roughly half to a third that I was making
with the same bills. Trust me...the math don't add up for me and it's a major
struggle, I wasn't making that much to begin with...

And I'm sure I'm not alone, so while the unemployment numbers may be grim, they are
darker than that as most of whom are employed are making less, hence even
less money to go around.

But I know...let's have a healthcare bill to further burden the load...and while
we're at it...let's do "cap and trade" that will raise gas to $7.50 a gallon...yeah, that's it
BRILLIANT :cheerleader:
I got laid off, and did not sit around on the pitty train. I looked out the window and saw people cutting grass. Only I knew it was not the home owner. So I got my self a mower and some other equipment, and made my self a job..

As far as income, I make enough.
I am my own boss, and my boss is a ass
I work when the customer wants
I love every minute of it,, I mean come on what adult male does not look at a skid steer and smile?
Have been laid off for a couple of weeks now and although I have some money saved up it is gonna suck when the funds get low. Hopefully I can find a job soon, because I really don't want to have to borrow money from my dad.
You people make me sick. If your unemployed its only because you want to be, right tom delay?

all sarcasm aside, Im lucky enough to have a part time job while going back to school for the second time.
im with blanca on this one ...i might as well be unemployed since noone wants to pay ...im in the rental and maintenance biz we own over 35 houses and maintain some of the office buildings around town work is slow and like pulling teeth to get the people to pay their freegin bills ....and everyone thinks we are rich .....ya ......right.
laid off 12/31, i'm in engineering in houston and Oil and gas is in the crapper, have plenty of co-workers friends who are also riding the unemployment train.

but i'm near the max $ for unemployment, + 2 kids daycare exp. that i'm saving by staying a home, is worth ALOT more then many make.

my wife is a nurse working on her masters, so she's only home 1 day a week, so if anything there was no better time for me to be unemployed.
I'm working, but job security is another issue. Up untill 2003, healthcare was free. This year we reached the cap, I pay $200 a month. Union dues have went up every year, I pay $100 a month. My employer keeps cutting jobs, and unfortunately the job cuts don't correspond with the retirement of the Baby Boomers. I have 9 yrs. in, and I am concerned just about protecting my job, as I was the first day. I am very grateful that I own a recreational vehicle. Owning a car is one thing, but my bike is completely optional.. Good luck to everyone looking for work.
have a good job, employed and no sense of my job getting cut near term anyway. I get calls at least 3x a week from recruiters with work all over so I'm not as worried if something were to happen at my job...though insurance is a key for me having two small kids.

Heck we are even hiring so anyone that knows Cisco call center apps and call manager that's looking let me know :thumbsup:

For those that are unemployed, the best advice I can give is keep a positive attitude publicly, its your best weapon for finding a new job. Job fairs, recruiters, staffing agencies all can get you at least back working even if its not the ideal job.

Oh yeah, one place people seem to overlook when job searching USAJOBS - The Federal Government's Official Jobs Site