VA fall ride?

How'd everyone do with all the tornado'slast night? DJ, I heard there was on out your way in Fredrick and down east of  King George...Michelle you live out that way don't ya?
Thanks for asking Paul...

I'm in the Northern Neck area...near Kilmarnock, Irvington, Urbanna...Gloucester?  Any of those little hick towns sound familiar?  

Anyway, we were under a tornado watch 'til midnight and my Mom was home alone, so I sat with her for a while more worried about my kids than anything.  Word was that water spouts were seen in the area, but luckily nothing hit in my town that I know of...
Hey guys, I am brand new here, but I LOVE the busa.  I am a Warrenton native and would like to know if I could crash your meet and just look at your rides if I am in the area that weekend (I am in college right now).  Some people already mentioned it, but Sheetz, Frost's, Red Hot& Blue, and Subway (huge parking lot, and it's right behind sheetz in the Giant shopping center) are some good places to meet in Warrenton.  I used to be in a couple of car clubs, and I have seen massive car gatherings in Warrenton before (Miata meet had at least 40-50 cars just in NoVa alone on the way to a meet) and it usually works out pretty well.  Anyways, at the risk of sounding like a COMPLETE newbie, I am 22 and would just like to look over some versions of my dream bike.
Heck yeah man ... come on and check us out. We all love to talk about and show off our rides. After the pre-ride this weekend, either Postal and I will post a tentative schedule for anybody wishing to join the ride or chill with us at a pitstop.
Hey guys, I am brand new here, but I LOVE the busa.  I am a Warrenton native and would like to know if I could crash your meet and just look at your rides if I am in the area that weekend (I am in college right now).  Some people already mentioned it, but Sheetz, Frost's, Red Hot& Blue, and Subway (huge parking lot, and it's right behind sheetz in the Giant shopping center) are some good places to meet in Warrenton.  I used to be in a couple of car clubs, and I have seen massive car gatherings in Warrenton before (Miata meet had at least 40-50 cars just in NoVa alone on the way to a meet) and it usually works out pretty well.  Anyways, at the risk of sounding like a COMPLETE newbie, I am 22 and would just like to look over some versions of my dream bike.
Heck yeah man ... come on and check us out. We all love to talk about and show off our rides. After the pre-ride this weekend, either Postal and I will post a tentative schedule for anybody wishing to join the ride or chill with us at a pitstop.
I agree, come on out!

Hey Sage, what do you think about the chance for rain this Saturday? Still want to try the pre-ride? Right now on they are only calling for a 20% chance of rain on Saturday. That's good enough for me to try it!


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Just got the connection on this ride from oracle, count me in too. I'll be coming down from D.C. and will probably trailer my busa in. If someone needs a mule I'll have space in my trunk.
The weather is looking good for Saturday...Any times/locations. Weather link for the general riding area.
Pre-ride (Saturday, 9/25/04): We are meeting at 8:30 AM sharp!, Holiday Inn parking lot, Rt 17 (Warrenton) exit off of I-95. Holiday Inn is on the right on Rt 17 as you head west, away from I-95 (see map on this thread, pg 2, 2/3 down).

See ya!

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Yeah I think we're still good for Saturday, latest weather report says chance of rain late afternoon. I just want to get some pics and make some written notes before things get wet.
I don't mind riding home in the rain. I'll be there !!
On the pre-ride Sept. 25 will there be any other bikes? A co-worker rides a Harley and expressed a interest in the ride but didn't want to be the only non-Busa and not being able to keep up.
I have a harley and a cruiser coming with me also Michelle I believe will have 2 Harly's with her.... it's all good, from my point of view atleast..
I'm a open rider, I'll ride with and wave to everyone with no prejudice to the rider or the bike. This whole diatribe w/Harley riders preconceived notion w/imports, sport bikes and vice versa needs to be addressed that we all ride the same roads and are there for one another when one of use goes down. Its not the bikes we ride or the people who make them, but the riders who choose to express their discontent and lack of courtesy when on the road together. The rider who openly disregaurds a simple acknowlegment of hello only refelcts his own social handicap and prejudice. Its not the words we speak that others draw from and form opionions, but from our individual actions while in the seat.
I'm a open rider, I'll ride with and wave to everyone with no prejudice to the rider or the bike. This whole diatribe w/Harley riders preconceived notion w/imports, sport bikes and vice versa needs to be addressed that we all ride the same roads and are there for one another when one of use goes down. Its not the bikes we ride or the people who make them, but the riders who choose to express their discontent and lack of courtesy when on the road together. The rider who openly disregaurds a simple acknowlegment of hello only refelcts his own social handicap and prejudice. Its not the words we speak that others draw from and form opionions, but from our individual actions while in the seat.
Ok? ummm I just noticed that you we're talking about the pre-ride this Saturday. I'm not going to be able to make that I dunno if he'll be the only Harley or not. On the 9th he isn't going to be though.
I'm down for both pre ride and the Fall ride. I'll be riding down with Dulimon this Sat if schedules match up, if not I'll be meeting you solo around 340/211. I've got sageronin's mobile number.
Just got the word...Gotta take Fri. 24th off and start the work week again on Sat. 25th. Got to love the Govt. and their last minute decisions. So hopefully we can make the main ride in Oct.
of course all bikes are welcome for both rides, we're not trying to set any course records ... just out there having fun ... I'm sure my co-worker with the Kawi is coming on both rides also. We'll be using this ride to time and checkout the rest stops, take a few pics, so we can post detailed info for the Oct 9th ride
Well I was planning to put the bike on the trailer and come down. Bike is in for an early rebuild. Oh OH
I will try again next time.
You guys have fun on the pre-ride!

I'm trying to drum up some fellow riders I've found on another board for Oct. 9th...