VA fall ride?

Naw I'd rather stay with the family the first time around....maybe next time.
Every Hour is cool.....maybe at a good curve or something. I'd like to get a couple action shots...haahaahaa
Taking 33 from VA to WV is one hell of a run over the mountain between the state lines. You run through open rolling hills into the National forest which is about a couple of miles of straight road w/dense forest...THEN you hit the MOUNTAIN kinda steep w/plenty of tight curves and a few you can see the back of the bike on up and down. Sweet...with plenty of curves to scrape the pegs and smooth asphalt w/good bite. Kinda a secret for riders in the area. Its a little run to get there unless you live in Harrisonburg, VA. Trust me you will want to run this mountain a couple of times.
Taking 33 from VA to WV is one hell of a run over the mountain between the state lines. You run through open rolling hills into the National forest which is about a couple of miles of straight road w/dense forest...THEN you hit the MOUNTAIN kinda steep w/plenty of tight curves and a few you can see the back of the bike on up and down. Sweet...with plenty of curves to scrape the pegs and smooth asphalt w/good bite. Kinda a secret for riders in the area. Its a little run to get there unless you live in Harrisonburg, VA. Trust me you will want to run this mountain a couple of times.
Thanks Dulimon. We're headed the other way on 33 though. I do want to go west on 33 some day to WV. I've heard it's great!

Everyone: On a ride like we are planning, how many stops are enough? Thanks!

Depends on how much water I'm drinking!  

Hard to say Tom...I don't know the route, but I'd say a stop every hour is good for a stretching of the legs at least...
Dang women, want'n to stop every 1/2 hour....

But seriously, every hour is good for me and my bladder.

I tentatively have four stops scheduled, Warrenton (where we pick up 211 W), Luray, Harrisonburg, and Gordonsville These places are circled on the map). If Sage and I get to do the pre-run on the 25th we will pick out definite places to stop at these locations. Sound good?

For those local peeps as well as those staying overnite, what does everyone think about getting reservations at a local restaurant for a post ride wrap up? Also, who do we have coming from out of state?
Frost's Diner in Warrenton is right at 211W...its a local hang out. Check it out see what ya think... I'm all about eatin. :o) They also have a Sheetz out there which would be another good strecth point.
Depending on work we (the significant other "the loan dept") will be coming since we're only a hour away from the starting point. I read an earlier post about Foxes pizza and thought I would drop a little info about the MOUNTAIN. The planned loop is wonderful and anyone riding it for the first time will enjoy it greatly. Just watch out for leaves on the road. They will still be blowing. Keep me up to date on the pre run. I'll be ready to blow off some serious steam after the past few months of work. I'm getting to the point every time I walk past the bike I can here her idling and the better half is starting to ask to go riding.

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How'd everyone do with all the tornado'slast night? DJ, I heard there was on out your way in Fredrick and down east of King George...Michelle you live out that way don't ya?
Winchester got hit at the airport and surrounding areas. The outskirts of town received some damage to homes and cars. I was talking to a friend last night. He had parts of some ones roof fly into his yard and trees...the closest homes were about 2 miles away. An appx. 250 yr old Oak tree was in some ones front yard with no idea where it came from. Downtown Winchester flooded with the water levels up to car bumpers. No reports yet of total homes damaged.
Wheww man. I heard we had one around here in Sterling/Ashburn, but no real eveidence. You guys are pretty much in the path of everything out there it seems. Being along the moutains. We've gotta meet up sometime to hit those moutains too.
I would enjoy it greatly. I'm the only Busa in the Winchester area. So I ride over in WV where I have room to let the Busa run a little with few police and ride two up with my girl.
I'm good here in Frederick ... minor wind damage, but no tornado or flooding in my immediate area. We're still on for that pre-ride next Saturday, same place and same time.
If Danny my man (Ur'it) goes I'm down for alittle clown with yall Pimpz. Yo Dan, you in or what ?


C-Town (Col,OH) representn hopefully.
Hey guys, I am brand new here, but I LOVE the busa. I am a Warrenton native and would like to know if I could crash your meet and just look at your rides if I am in the area that weekend (I am in college right now). Some people already mentioned it, but Sheetz, Frost's, Red Hot& Blue, and Subway (huge parking lot, and it's right behind sheetz in the Giant shopping center) are some good places to meet in Warrenton. I used to be in a couple of car clubs, and I have seen massive car gatherings in Warrenton before (Miata meet had at least 40-50 cars just in NoVa alone on the way to a meet) and it usually works out pretty well. Anyways, at the risk of sounding like a COMPLETE newbie, I am 22 and would just like to look over some versions of my dream bike.