Vegas Ride.


Collector of Toyz
Donating Member
Quick update on the Vegas get together. I had a great time today and it was nice to meet many of the guys on this forum. I only had the pleasure of riding today (family commitments Friday and Struday), but it was still a blast. We did get hassled by the Rangers during the Valley of Fire portion of the run, but at least no tickets were given.

We also, had a rider go down. He was from the SinCity board, but none the less we all feel for him and should pray for him. Others (BA Busa, CharlesBusa, DevilDog) will probably have more information. He was riding a brand new Red ZX14 and by the looks of the bike it was a bad wreck. He was taken to the Trauma Unit in Overton. Unfortunately I did not get his name. He was bringing up the rear so we were unaware that he was down until later.
Looks like a great ride! Sorry I wasn't able to join you guys this morning...I planned to but wasn't able to follow through. That lakeshore/Overton/Valley of Fire of one of my favorite rides around here. I'll be sure to catch the next one! Hope the rider that went down is doing OK.
See the red 14 in the last shot. Hope he's alright.
looks like you guys had a good time
sorry to hear about the accident, i hope he is going to be ok
Sorry that I did not join you guys for the ride. We were watching the weather and worried about hitting rain so we decided to head back to the Los Angeles area.

Prayer said for the rider that went down. Please post more information about him when it is available.

I will be posting some pics here shortly!
One at the hotel....the Railroad Pass was a darn great place to stay! They treated us great!

Hope the ZX rider is good. I love the Desert scenery. Thanks for the pics
I just got in and don't really have any new news on the down rider (Collen)
He bashed up his knee and shoulder pretty good and was very dazed (even heard unconscious) after the accident. The leader of the ride was going to go see him in the hospital so I hope we hear some good news soon.
Devil dog snapped a pic of the bike on the back of the towtruck as we passed it headed back to the hotel. It looks like a total loss.
love the pics especially the line up at the rocks
the desert looks

hope the ZX rider is ok