We are sooooo screwed Part II

Did you listen to McCAIN Acceptance Speach !!!!!!!! Proud day to AFRICAN AMERICANS !!! He knew it ! Read Between the Lines. Obama was NOT THE BEST APPLICANT FOR THE JOB !!!!!!
McCain would have simply continued where
To move forward in a circle would be stupid. The majority of Americans realized this and took action by voting. So if you feel the majority of Americans are stupid, that's fine. I'm sure most of 'em feel the same way about you.


I completely disagree with this. McCain is a man of intergrity. Alot of our issues come from policies passed a long time ago in the Clinton presidency. Look back, as an example, our sub prime market concepts that everyone deserves a chance to buy a home 10 times higher in price than they can afford. I agree alot of mistakes have been made but not all by Bush. I am kind of disgusted that Americans can't accept blame for alot of this themselves. We are a financially driven country that cares only for ourselves. I honestly feel that this is one of the reason alot of people voted for Obama. We are still seeing what is in it for me and not for our nation. But this is my opinion and everyone has a right to their own opinion and I wont call you "stupid" because you do not agree with me.
I hope Boss is drunk, otherwise he has lost the respect of alot of people around here.
Come on guys be open-minded. Give the man a chance. If he ain't right, then 4 years from now he can go back to where he came from.

That is what I would have done if McCain had won.

From here we can only go upwards.

I truly believe that Obama has enough integrity to not be controlled by the Pelosi's, Reid's, etc.

He is the man now so get behind him, and let's all push onward.


Like Southside says... man-up. Let's now give him the opportunity to do what he said he would do and that's work to unite us rather than divide us.

While I don't like some of his... OK any of his ideas, I'm willing to see if he has the spine to stand up to the far left who will be on his butt starting tomorrow

God Bless America


Jeezus, Is there anyone at all standing to the left of him? Let alone far left? MAO? No, .............he's dead.
Like Southside says... man-up. Let's now give him the opportunity to do what he said he would do and that's work to unite us rather than divide us.

While I don't like some of his... OK any of his ideas, I'm willing to see if he has the spine to stand up to the far left who will be on his butt starting tomorrow.

I also hope, and this is actually hard to say, that he has just used all of those azzhats he hung around as stepping stones to get to this place. Now there, I hope he has the pair to truly become a great Pres. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt..... until he proves otherwise, then I'm on him like stink on you know what.

God Bless America


Amen!!!!! I feel alot of what he has promised will not be possible, but I was impressed by his speech and if he is serious and is all about change, hopefully he will be able to adapt and find a way to help this country by joining with and moving forward with ideas presented whether they be by a Democrat or Republican. I honestly stand by alot of Huckabee (sp?) concepts and hoped to see him as a potential vice president choice by Mccain.
People seem to forget that just as many people didnt vote for him because of his skin color as others did. Its all a wash in my book. I bet alot of the blacks that voted for him didnt know or give a damn what his platform was, and had probably never voted in any other election. That is disturbing to me.

This has to be the most racist and two-faced statement I have ever heard. To say that black people only voted because he is black and that they "didn't give a damn what his platform is" has to be the most racist and rude comment I have ever heard. That would be no different than someone saying that you voted for McCain because he is white. Again, I am disappointed in the members of this forum. Just plain sad.
I hope Boss is drunk, otherwise he has lost the respect of alot of people around here.

No I am NOT DRUNK !!!!!!!! I am Just Pissed Off Because the Country that I LOVE WITH ALL MY HEART just let me and MANY OTHER'S down Today. :down:

AMERICA does NOT KNOW what it has DONE ! Just Wait a Few Years and You will know what I am Talking about. :please:
This has to be the most racist and two-faced statement I have ever heard. To say that black people only voted because he is black and that they "didn't give a damn what his platform is" has to be the most racist and rude comment I have ever heard. That would be no different than someone saying that you voted for McCain because he is white. Again, I am disappointed in the members of this forum. Just plain sad.

(members) I only see one. As I stated in your post, don't take the actions of one as a view of this board as a whole.

Look back at previous topics on politics and they are very open minded.

I only see one person that is losing complete respect by many people, even people that voted for Mccain. He is only making the rest of us look bad now. Not really making any points.
Come on guys be open-minded. Give the man a chance. If he ain't right, then 4 years from now he can go back to where he came from.

That is what I would have done if McCain had won.

From here we can only go upwards.

I truly believe that Obama has enough integrity to not be controlled by the Pelosi's, Reid's, etc.

He is the man now so get behind him, and let's all push onward.

+100 Go Obama.:cheerleader::thumbsup:
This has to be the most racist and two-faced statement I have ever heard. To say that black people only voted because he is black and that they "didn't give a damn what his platform is" has to be the most racist and rude comment I have ever heard. That would be no different than someone saying that you voted for McCain because he is white. Again, I am disappointed in the members of this forum. Just plain sad.

Read the comment. I meant that no one, black or white should be voting for anyone just because of skin color. If I was racist, I wouldnt have voted for Obama or standing up for him in this forum. The point was that just as many whites wont for him only because of his skin color as did blacks because of his skin color, no matter what his platform or qualifications are. Its an even trade off.
Read the comment. I meant that no one, black or white should be voting for anyone just because of skin color. If I was racist, I wouldnt have voted for Obama or standing up for him in this forum. The point was that just as many whites wont for him only because of his skin color as did blacks because of his skin color, no matter what his platform or qualifications are. Its an even trade off.

Then I apologize for the misunderstanding. My bad.:bowdown:
It will be interesting to see if Republicans treat Obama with more respect than the way the Dems have treated Bush.

Will that be a sign of moving forward?
He is an IDIOT just Like Anyone Else that Voted for OBAMA. This Country is Going to HELL in a Handbaskit and Nobody Seems to CARE !!!!!!!! Well I do and I call things the Way I See it. :moon:

Americans JUST Elected a President because they Felt BAD about all the BAD Things this Country did to African Americans in the PAST. Not Because He was the BEST CANDIDATE for the JOB. Talk about Reverse Descrimination :wtf:

An idiot and stupid eh? And you want to be friends...you've got it all wrong Boss, not that I'm trying to change your mind but your statements are simply inaccurate, based on ignorance, misinformation and mistaken beliefs.
Exactly... Last thing we really needed was more of the same old White man politics. Obama is the first presidential candidate I can remember that I actually thought had the Countries best interests in mind...

Absolutely 100% agree with you on that.
I truly believe that Obama has enough integrity to not be controlled by the Pelosi's, Reid's, etc.

He is the man now so get behind him, and let's all push onward.


I am with you on that.. Obama showed dedication and extreme resolve during his campaign. He demonstrated very clearly that he is an independent thinker that will not bend to influence. Just looking at his political style as well as his refusal to submit to gutter politics and mudslinging.
All I can say is WOW...... The comments that were stated by a few members just blows me away...but that just shows the TRUE feelings of some in America!!! However, we as a people need to unite and come together and make this country
as strong as it once was.....GO OBAMA

Just my 2 cents
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An idiot and stupid eh? And you want to be friends...you've got it all wrong Boss, not that I'm trying to change your mind but your statements are simply inaccurate, based on ignorance, misinformation and mistaken beliefs.
There are some very narrow minded, misinformed people out there. Obama was chosen because poeple were ready for a change and tired of the same old politics. Some people can't see the forest for the trees.