Wearing Helmets

When I owned my Harley I only wore a helmet when I was in a state that required me to do so....now with the Busa...its all the time...
I Love My Helmet &   My Brain, Ears, Nose, GREY Hair, Teeth,

Kansas   No Helmet Law

No Helmet      Those Bugs Hurt

That why Harley Guys Don't Smile    
After reading these posts its making me re-think about not wearing helmet.
This would have been bad REAL BAD without a fullface


He didn't only walk away but finished the ride.It can happen to any of us at any time it's the risk we take.
Thats scary, im glad he walked away from that one. The bike can be fixed.

I know how it feels to go down. I went down a couple times without a helmet, my last time I went down without a helmet was when i was getting onto an onramp to get onto the highway.  I got startled cuz I thought my biker buddy was right next to me so i got a little to close to a concrete divider to avoid him. The sun was in my eyes too. When i realized i was to close to the divider I opened my throttle hoping i could veer right but instead i side swiped the divider and got thrown off my bike. My bike slid on its left side about 20 feet.  Oil every where cuz I cracked the stator cover and i scratched the fairing pretty good. I got lucky with no helmet. Im glad I had a protective jacket on cuz it took a pretty good beating too. I messed up my brand new pair of jeans i was wearing and my knees were all cut-up and bleeding.
This happened last October. My 2007 Kawasaki ZZR-600 has been sitting in shed since the accident. Now that the weathers getting nicer im thinking of fixing my ZZR-600 and selling it and getting a 08 blue Hayabusa. Heres some pics of my ZZR-600 after crash.


I would also like to add  
 my front tire has never left the pavement. 99% of my ridng is on back country roads with hardly any congested traffic. I do the speed limit. As a mailman, defensive driving is beat into our heads DAILY. Oh, for what it is worth, my girlfriend wears a helmet and I just bought her a leath jacket, and should she feel the need for more gear, by God, I will get it for her. Because I have 1 of the fastest bikes made doesnt mean I want to push it to its limits. Maybe I should have gotten a Busa with training wheels and a 250cc motor cause I dont push it. I happen to like the styling and engineering of the Busa and I also know Japanese are perfectionists in whatever they build. I wont knock you for wearing all the gear, and you dont knock me for lack there of..deal?
You live around Bellefountaine?
Hayabusa, New Hampshire - no helmet law

I don't wear full leathers, but I ALWAYS WEAR MY HELMET FULL FACE HELMET
06 LE, Suzuki 06 LE flavored Shoei RF-1000 lid (sweet!)

I started riding in the dirt (still do). Try riding in the woods without a helmet for a while.

Can't ride the street without one. I feel naked and vulnerable.
Unless you feel like a concusion or dieing, WEAR THE HELMET. You don't leave your house thinking your gonna go down so "I GUESS TODAY I'LL WEAR IT TODAY" WEAR IT IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FACE OR YOUR LIFE.

Sorry for the yelling. I just went down 2days ago. I had a helmet on. Judging by the face shield, I'd be uglier.
Hayabusa, Ohio, I DONT wear a helmet
1. if I wore a helmet I would feel invincible and ride like a squid. NOT wearing a helmet keeps me form speeding and makes me pay a helluva lot more attention to the missle between my legs.
2. thats why i ride slow and careful but i get there in 1 piece.
3. I have neck problems(football injurey), and if i wear a helmet for a leghnthy time, i wont be able to move my head the next day.
4. If i hit the pavement it wont be that hard, i ride slow, but if i do hit pavement fast/hard i dont wanna see the scars for the rest of my life.
I think you've got a few misconceptions on helmets. If I remember the "Hurt" helmet report I read a couple years ago...

an impact to your head at 17mph is enough to kill you.

If you stand in a room and free fall over and your head hits the floor,
it will strike it at 17 mph. Obviously it matters if you crumple downward,
your arm comes out, you hit carpet etc...but you get the idea.

If you fall over in the driveway (and fall just right, like you arm doesn't break your fall etc) your head will hit the driveway at 17mph and you may die.

If you are travelling at 60 mph, and you fall...horizontal velocity will not affect downward acceleration (unless you got wings on head) traveling at 60 and falling your head will hit the pavement at 17mph (and then skid at 60)...but the cause of your death will probably not be the skidding.

So my point is...riding slow in no way negates the neccessity of wearing a helmet or insures your survival once an accident occures.

Have you tried really light helmets, my Shoei rf1000 and my Arai are both real light and I'm sure some are lighter.

BTW-Not wearing a helmet so "I would feel invincible and ride like a squid. NOT wearing a helmet keeps me form speeding and makes me pay a helluva lot more attention"  
that's a little different philosphy that's kinda like saying...I'm not buying any condoms cause I don't want any kids, that way I wont engage in any sex  
 And when Jessica Biel or the pud on the 600 say "Let's Go"...there you are with no protection.  

Just a thought...

That is the way I think about it.. IF someone was to, lets say rear end you at a stoplight wearing a helmet could actually make the diffrence between you shaking it off and being pissed and you actually being killed.
I dont wanna turn this into a pissing match, I'm not that way. Does this mean since I hunt and shoot guns that i should do all of these with a bullet-proof vest? I just sat here and read all of the diff. opinions. and maybe i could be convinced to wear ALL gear(leather jacket and pants, gloves, helmet and boots too)if they were affordable, and on a 90 degree day i think of how miserably hot i would be, I wouldnt ride the darn thing, in which case i would only ride in 50-70 degree temps, and if i were only gonna ride in those temps, i would put it up for SALE. I have a living will, if God wants me, I cant do anything to delay it. I am addicted to breathing, but i dont want any help from a machine in doing so. I know i may come off as being stupid, careless, irresponsible, but it is MY decision. I dont try to change your minds about NOT wearing gear, so I ask you , please dont throw in my face "that is horsepoop", and as far as the PUD pulling up next to me and wanting to run'em, i have my girlfriend with me ALL the time, and first of all I would never ever dreaam of puting her life at risk.( so the PUD( I call them squids) can go-on, I dont hafta race to prove my bike to anyone. I suyppose this post should be posted on ALL Moped forrums too since it only takes 17 mph to die from head injury. (good research, sounds like you posted with facts). I could sit here and throw-in faces of all who want to ride the Dragon as fast as they can and how stupid and irresponsible it would be, but I DONT and WONT. sorry for this, I am very opiniated, and believe MY DECISIONS are what they are "MY DECISONS" so dont try to ridicule me for my decisions, when i dont ridicule you for yours.
Hey bro, I'm not gonna lecture you to wear full gear when it's scourching hot out but.....at least wear a helmet. God may keep you alive but he doesn't care if you are a scar face for the rest of your life, but you do. I went down 2days ago and it wasnt very bad but if I hadn't had a helmet on I would be perfectly alive but have NASTY road rash all over my face. Get you a nice helmet you can be as proud of as your bike and put decals or have it painted to match. Whatever would help you to enjoy wearing your lid. A helmet is an easy thing to use to save your life.
I've lived in IL.........no law.........and now TN ........law. I ride a half helmnt (DOT always)....on my HD. But I have recently switched to full faced.

Last year at a rally I met a guy who had 4 facial reconstructive surgery's from a "minor" accident with a 3/4 helmet. I bought a Nolan Flip Up the next day. The week before this conversation I had a BLACK BIRD (not a CBR.........LOL) fly between me and the windshield at 55 MPH.

That was enough.

I do still use the shorty if I'm in town/short trips. But even that is becoming more and more rare.

On a Busa I don't know how you could ride without a full face. I purchased a FF just for my busa because the Nolan Flip up was too noisy and I ride "MUCH FASTER" on the busa. I also wanted something that matched my bike.......wink!

Also feel you only need to cover and protect anything you plan on using again after a wreck! So it's your choice if a Tshirt and Flipflops works for you. You can't put a cast on your head FYI.



Gotta a $5 head..........get a $5 helmet!
Biting my tounge at some of these comments ! :whistle: Indiana , no helment law, I dont wear a helment all the time. MY CHOICE !!
there is a reason they make them, its to keep your head from getting split open from a crash, time and time again over the years it has been proven you have a greater chance to survive a crash with one than without, and if your so naive to think that you will never crash then your dreaming. I wear the gear because I know that someone or something could take me out on the road, you just want to be prepared for that, its really simple...
I wear it most of the time not always.... example if I'm just sitting on the bike in the garage reading a mag I normally dont wear one :cheerleader: other than that, I even wear one on the miata.... yup no helmet law here in hawaii and you can get pulled over for wearing a helmet on the freeway in a miata.... something about bad intentions and limited visibility according to mr 5-0, no ticket but a good talking... don't ask me why... but we take drifting the offramps/onramps here seriously:laugh: