I have no sympathy for idiots that don't wear helmets and suffer horrible injuries because of it.
YOU make that choice every time you get on the bike. YOU choose to be irresponsible and do the WRONG thing.
Why *I* and other responsible riders have to pay for it, I have no idea.
For those of you that think riding with no helmet makes you look cool, it's quite the opposite. It makes you look like a giant idiot with no helmet on a motorcycle (for lack of a better way of putting it).
And really, you think you can hear or see better with no helmet? Really? The *ONLY* person you are convincing is yourself, the rest of us (those of us with a clue), know bett
Happy head injuries!![]()
The question was wheter or not you're wearing a helmet. It had nothing to do with the way you feel about people not wearing one. Please refrain from making idiotic statements.