Wearing Helmets

des moines,
and i think its a 3xl, i dunno my knoggin is huge.. like an orange on a toothpick.
seriously though, I will be getting my bash hat soon.
Im quite literally, one of the biggest idiots on here...I bought my '03 Busa in 2005 and thought I'd be super-cool and race my buddy on his ZX-12 to see who really had the cajones (and higher top speed) long story short:i tore him a new a**hole n showed'em what STUPID fast bike can do...then we proceeded thru a park where I thought I would show off some more on the twisty roads in there...ended up slammin into a curb, flying off bike *wearing goggles, gloves, and a nifty t-shirt that read: "I think she really Liked me" wit a pic of a dancer on a pole....I miss that shirt...* and taking a $500 ride to the hospital so they could twist my neck all over for CAT scans, n MRI, and bent my head all over for 10+ x-rays too...according the Dr. my 19.5" neck absorbed most of the dmg in the muscle tissue so I just needed a neck brace n Percocet-dint do much for the bruise on my hip the size of a small dog, or scrapes on top of my head.

you would think that was enuf to teach me...but, nooooooooo-I hadta throw my then-GF/now wife off the back of the bike trying to drag-launch with her on the back, day after I added about 5hp to the wheel. Thank*insert deity of choice* she n I both came out ok, n still here to talk about it all:beerchug:

the point here??
unless your name is Superman, or you enjoy wrenching on your mucked-up Bike all the time while you're sore n bruised; or if you just want to say you're a bigger idiot than Big Diesel:laugh:- wear a lid, otherwise when the time comes?? (n it will) you'll fall off the bike n split your head open like a egg, n then you'll be scrambled.
I've been known to go without a helmet in the past for slow in town riding. That was unusual and limited to a wreckless period in my life about two years ago. These days I try to ride around as well protected as possible aside from regular ol' jeans most of the time. I haven't found a pair of reinforced jeans that fit well.
08 BUSA, HELMET *ALWAYS*(even in the 100+ degree cali vally heat) no jacket or riding pants yet :banghead:
08 busa...12,000.00
helmet... 100-700.00
riding gear... 200-1500.00
seeing my 3yr old son and 2yr old daughter grow up WITH A DAD for as long as i possible can... PRICELESS!!! :please:

GUYS AND GALS, yes it is your choice(so is suicide), but if for nothing else, for the sake of your loved one's, THAT YOU WILL LEAVE BEHIND.... at least WEAR A HELMET!
I'd rather make the mistake of wearing a lid then making a mistake for not wearing one. the 2nd can have dire consequences!
Why so much detest for helmet laws, but no "anarchy in the streets" reaction to seat belt laws or drinking and driving laws? It's your life right? I'm a Dad, sometimes I just have to tell my kids NO. They don't always make the right decisions unless I guide them. Some grown adults don't make the right decisions either. Sometimes you just have to pass a law. If you choose to not wear a helmet and get into an accident with another vehicle, that other person has to live the rest of their life with the image of your brains scattered all over the highway. There are times when your independent choices do end up changing the lives of others. It seems most people just know deep down that helmets are the right thing to do, they just look for every lame excuse they can come up with to refute the facts. Helmets save lives. No research on the planet will ever disprove that fact.
Why so much detest for helmet laws, but no "anarchy in the streets" reaction to seat belt laws or drinking and driving laws? It's your life right? I'm a Dad, sometimes I just have to tell my kids NO. They don't always make the right decisions unless I guide them. Some grown adults don't make the right decisions either. Sometimes you just have to pass a law. If you choose to not wear a helmet and get into an accident with another vehicle, that other person has to live the rest of their life with the image of your brains scattered all over the highway. There are times when your independent choices do end up changing the lives of others. It seems most people just know deep down that helmets are the right thing to do, they just look for every lame excuse they can come up with to refute the facts. Helmets save lives. No research on the planet will ever disprove that fact.

No law here either, but this the car from my last wreck....my helmet did that.

wrecked bike 3.jpg
NC and I will always, always were my helmet on any open road. Now, I have ridden around my apartment building, shuttling my gf to her car when she visits without a lid on, but that's at 10 mph, and I am very conscious of the road.
Helmets block my vision and mess up my manly long wavy hair. Plus they are only good for holding your brains together after an accident and they hurt your neck and/or can break them due to the weight. Hmm, what else.. Oh yeah, I just don't look cool enough with it on since I have to remove my HD bandanna to use the helmet. Did I mention they call it a brainbucket for a reason?

And I don't plan on wrecking, so why bother..... :whistle: :poke:
I always wear my helmet. My parents live in texas and tried the no helmet thing there and just decided it wasn't for me. We have helmet laws here so it doesn't matter if you don't like wearing one. If i could just get my mother and father to wear one i'd feel a little beter about them. Sometimes i wonder who is the parents me or them. Oh yeah, 06 black busa and love it!:moon:
Bugs hurt but birds are much worse. I have had two bird strikes in my 35 years of riding. Not to mention all the other debri flying around out there.