Wearing of masks

Should wearing a mask in public be mandated?

  • Yes, no choice, mandated for everyone.

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • No, respect my freedom to make my own choices.

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
unless the mask you're wearing is certified N95,then you are wasting your time,any virus will pass through the cotton mask the 99% are wearing.
If you do wear a N95 mask,be very careful taking it off,a virus could very well be on the outside surface.
And do not touch your eyes,face,mouth or ears until you have washed your hands.
This is a virus,it isn't going away,it will mutate,without exposure to a virus your body can't build immunity to it.
And lastly........it's your choice to wear a mask the rest of your life.......but don't tell me to.

The ignorance shown
in this thread is remarkable .

And God has
nothing to
do with it .

unless the mask you're wearing is certified N95,then you are wasting your time,any virus will pass through the cotton mask the 99% are wearing.
If you do wear a N95 mask,be very careful taking it off,a virus could very well be on the outside surface.
And do not touch your eyes,face,mouth or ears until you have washed your hands.
This is a virus,it isn't going away,it will mutate,without exposure to a virus your body can't build immunity to it.
And lastly........it's your choice to wear a mask the rest of your life.......but don't tell me to.
Not according to the disease expert...but I'm no expert so have no argument for or against a mask of any type.
This virus has only a 0.06% death-rate in the USA, a tiny 0.02% here in Canada.

In my province, the mean age of death from COVID-19 is 85 years old... the average lifespan here is 82, by the way.

If wearing a mask makes you feel safe, then wear one... I won't say a thing to you about it. And I expect the same courtesy if I choose to not wear one.
Ooooh, the non believer, the righteous! :laugh:
Hi. I am not saying masks do not help. The spread is primarily via respirtory droplets. But if it is aerosolized it can stay in the air for up to 3 hrs. You can not tell me that a droplet can float around in the air that long. The mask can catch some but others can go right the mask, or in the eye. So there are many ways to get it.
Some really self entitled dumb fu-ckers on here .. It's a conspiracy , it's all fake ,it's the 5g towers , they never landed on the moon ..
Sweet baby jebus and the seven snotty orphans, save me.
Hi. I am not saying masks do not help. The spread is primarily via respirtory droplets. But if it is aerosolized it can stay in the air for up to 3 hrs. You can not tell me that a droplet can float around in the air that long. The mask can catch some but others can go right the mask, or in the eye. So there are many ways to get it.
When there is good air flow the virus disperses and masks are very effective. This is why the demonstrations in NY did not increase the infections or deaths. Most protests were outside and people had on masks despite not socially distancing (just one example). So masks are proven to work very well.
Why is it that when there's a flu epidemic, you actually know people who caught it even if you live in an isolated rural area? Your mom catches it, your friend, the guy at the gas station... I only know one person who said she had Coronavirus. I'm not saying it's nothing, justfor all the hype, there aren't that many people catching it. I'll be curious to see how many people catch the flu this winter. If masks and all these other precautions work, I'd expect a lot less people would be catching anything.
One thing the scientist said is the over use of anti-bacterial products will lead to issues as our immune system will not be exposed to regular everyday bacteria. He was saying the flu season could be worse than ever but would be masked by Covid 19 as the symptoms are virtually the same.

Our bodies need so much good bacteria which is being killed off by all this cleaning product we are using, not to mention how much of it is getting into our water supply and killing off good bacteria.
Man this whole mask thing. I will wear a mask. I will pass 5 people wearing all different type mask. I will pass 15 more that aren't properly wearing them. I will then go to a different town 3 miles away and noone wears a mask. Then I will turn on my TV to learn that the previously accepted mask are no longer the accepted type.

One mask for all. It needs to be consistent. We all need to wear it as prescribed, not as we want. And tell us the mask that works. And then provide them to your citizens.

I am not saying mask don't work. Evidence suggest they do. But it's hard to know they do if half the people wearing mask aren't wearing them properly. How do we figure out which part of our population that is wearing mask, may as well not be, and is speeding it.

I can see the next problem cops are going to have. A law that requires mask to be worn, and a fine imposed. Dear lord if a cop tries to intervene because a mask is not being worn properly, it will result in harrassment accusations.

I don't want my cities burned down because a man refusing to wear a mask properly, is stopped by police. And things got out of hand.
Man this whole mask thing. I will wear a mask. I will pass 5 people wearing all different type mask. I will pass 15 more that aren't properly wearing them. I will then go to a different town 3 miles away and noone wears a mask. Then I will turn on my TV to learn that the previously accepted mask are no longer the accepted type.

One mask for all. It needs to be consistent. We all need to wear it as prescribed, not as we want. And tell us the mask that works. And then provide them to your citizens.

I am not saying mask don't work. Evidence suggest they do. But it's hard to know they do if half the people wearing mask aren't wearing them properly. How do we figure out which part of our population that is wearing mask, may as well not be, and is speeding it.

I can see the next problem cops are going to have. A law that requires mask to be worn, and a fine imposed. Dear lord if a cop tries to intervene because a mask is not being worn properly, it will result in harrassment accusations.

I don't want my cities burned down because a man refusing to wear a mask properly, is stopped by police. And things got out of hand.

One of the issues is people think they are entitled to do whatever they want when it comes to wearing masks and taking precautions against this virus. Generally people don't like being told what to do.

I too see people wandering around with their masks down over their noses but here in Ontario Canada, you have to wear a mask while in any closed in public place and for the most part people are compliant. I wear a face covering to protect me and there's the social distancing thing too.

Our cases are on the rise and that is due to schools being back in session.

This virus is here to stay, even a vaccine won't put an end to it same as the regular flu-there are over 60 strains of that and I'd imagine there will be several strains of Covid before it's all said and done. Even with a vaccine, how many will get it I wonder? Right now only 30% of the population get the flu shot and we all aren't dying of the flu.
Why is it that when there's a flu epidemic, you actually know people who caught it even if you live in an isolated rural area? Your mom catches it, your friend, the guy at the gas station... I only know one person who said she had Coronavirus. I'm not saying it's nothing, justfor all the hype, there aren't that many people catching it. I'll be curious to see how many people catch the flu this winter. If masks and all these other precautions work, I'd expect a lot less people would be catching anything.

It's an interesting thing.. Here in Aussie lane, in my state, the two things they keep harping on about is, 1: lots of people have it but show no signs, don't feel sick or have a fever. Hence the big push to go get tested even if you feel fine but have a runny nose.. Unlike the flu, you know when you get that and can definitely tell people you have /had the flu.
And 2: because we're being so isolated, washing our hands so much and distancing, the flu this season was minuscule... Barely rated compared to any other year.

Now, don't put me in the nutter or conspiracy group, but I'm starting to wonder if it's mother nature getting a bit pissed at us for screwing the planet so much, (environment, wars) and having way too many people. Mother nature seems to have a clearing of the decks every now and then.
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