Well guys i wrecked the BUSA today!!

well i didnt get the bike today i will have it tomorrow. Its gonna be pretty close to total loss but i'm gonna hopefully keep it and fix it myself and keep riding i will keep you guys updated.
Extremely glad you are here to tell us about it! Sorry to read about you going down, hope you heal up better than before!!!:beerchug:
here are some more pics of the bike and one of my arm

Picture 050.jpg

Picture 051.jpg

Picture 052.jpg

Picture 053.jpg

Picture 054.jpg

Picture 055.jpg

Picture 056.jpg

Picture 057.jpg

Picture 058.jpg

Picture 059.jpg
Sorry to hear you went down. That road rash looks painful. Heal up quick. I went down yesterday and all I can say is I am glad I had my gear on!
believe it or not my arm dosent hurt at all my back and chest hurt worse. I'm so stiff lol It hurts to breath. I called her insurance company today i guess she didnt even call them. I think she just has liability on her car. My bike hit her driver rear wheel so hard it bent the strut and hub assembly the wheel sits on. DUMB BIITCH had to have the car towed back to her house. I heard the her husband cam to the hospital to check on me. I vaguely remember anything that happened. I would like to have seen it in slow motion though.
Glad you are ok, i'm sure we will all pitch in to help you put it back together, if you need it, speedy recovery, don't give up riding!
If they total it i'm gonna buy me a new vehicle and the money i get for pain and sufferage is gonna pay for me and Britt to get married then i will get another later on after we are married. I Think the only thats gonna stop me from riding is if i'm DEAD:beerchug:
Whoa! I'm glad your healing and all. Just to imagine most of that could have been avoided with a jacket.

Heal up quick, and get the busa fixed!