Well, it happened...


Your Disease.....
Donating Member
Well, my streak is over. I dropped the bike today. It was entirely my fault. The photo studio I work for has a gravel driveway... and it was my fault for not easing out of the driveway onto the street using the straight part I was doing already. Instead, I tried to take it near the right edge of the driveway and ran over this rut that bends down to the right. It's hard to explain... you'd have to see the driveway to know what I mean. Anyway, I was riding with my feet down as I always have been doing while exiting the driveway because of all the rocks/gravel to help keep the bike balanced. I was going maybe 1mph and not even turning the throttle. Well, when I hit that rut, over she went. There was nothing I could have done. I didn't have enough traction to keep my right foot planted down to keep it up. I am just pissed off at myself for taking that 'route'. It fell on rocks. Not simple pebbles.

I intended to come straight home after work, but after dropping the bike I decided to ride down to the liquor store... and the long ride after work helped me think and vent. Well, now I'm really not all that upset. It's just asthetic damage... scratches. Not even "that bad". I'm not beating myself up about it or anything. Sh1t happens. And I will still ride to work and not fear the gravel driveway. I'll just make sure to take the "sure and safe" way out of it.

I look at it this way... it will give me something to look forward to again. I was looking forward to getting the bike and now I can look forward to getting the bike fixed and looking new again.

Please take a look at the photos and give me some advice on some kind of polish I can use to hide the scratches until when/if I decide to maybe get the entire thing fixed by the dealer. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I guess I'm asking "What would you guys do to either fix it completely or to give it a temporary fix to at least hide the scratches?". Of course, I want this to be as cheap as possible.

PS: I told you all I will always be honest here. I am honest about the way I ride and I'm also honest when I make a mistake.

NOTE: In this first photo, it looks like the tank is scratched... but it is NOT. It's just a reflection.

You can notice a very very small crack in the turn signal lamp cover. I'm not really concerned with that because you really have to LOOK hard to notice that. D4mn rocks!

Ouch... Just a tip though, next time in gravel actually put your feet on the pegs and stand up on em' Will make the gravel less of a danger by actually lowering your combined COG.
... a better look at the side.

I'd really appreciate any advice on what to do about this. I'd rather have a cheap/quick temporary fix just to hide the scratches if that's possible. I don't want to fork over big money right now. Thanks.

Despite my disagreement with many of your philosophies, it sux a$$ that you dropped the bike.  Personally, I would pay to have them fixed right.  If you do it half-a$$ed then you will not be happy.



BTW, the cracked signal housing. If the crack goes all the way thru, the housing will collect moisture and get foggy.

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Ouch...  Just a tip though, next time in gravel actually put your feet on the pegs and stand up on em'  Will make the gravel less of a danger by actually lowering your combined COG.
You'd have to see the driveway. It's not flat. There is this one section that is sort of easy to ride over... but it's very rocky. I knew pulling out of this driveway might be a problem. Thanks, though. I'll try that next time. I should be ok if I just don't go over that one spot I was stupid enough to go through. Like I said... all my fault.
I'd just like to be able to hide the scratches as best as I possibly can as a temporary thing til I go all out to get her fixed up right. Before I move back out to California, I'll definitely get her fixed right... all the way. I'm not really that bummed. Just a little bummed that when people see my bike on the right, they'll see the scratches!
Auto parts stores in my area sell colored waxes for cars. They're intended to help disguise scratches. They come in many colors. Black should be pretty commonly available.

Don't feel bad, I dumped mine in my garage about a year ago. Almost no damage, but it prompted me to install frame sliders.
Sharpie would work ok on the cheap for short term. I think it would be hard to tell from a distance.
Use a black marker..Should cover it up..

Sorry you dropped it..Nows a good time for some sliders..
Auto parts stores in my area sell colored waxes for cars.  They're intended to help disguise scratches.  They come in many colors.  Black should be pretty commonly available.

Don't feel bad, I dumped mine in my garage about a year ago.  Almost no damage, but it prompted me to install frame sliders.
Hard to explain, but it didn't fall flat. The gravel/rocks/rut was very uneven. A frameslider might have helped a little but it wouldn't have saved it completely with the way the driveway is on that section. But, yeah, I've got framesliders on my brain right now!
Hate to be an arse and bash, but it couldn't of happened to a more deserving guy.

First and last response to any of your posts.
Hate to be an arse and bash, but it couldn't of happened to a more deserving guy.

First and last response to any of your posts.
I could have not even made this post. I could have posted future pics of my bike from the left and not show the marks. I could have been silent. Or I could have said that someone turned it over on me in a parking lot. I could have lied.

No, I told the truth and admitted to messing up knowing that someone like you might want to bash. I may not ride with gear or share everyone's opinions, but I also have integrity.
Hey this doesnt look so bad dude.

Find out what the colors are (you can find exact match...dont know how though
Buy those colors and apply carefully in the scratched area. Clean and clear-coat just that area if possible.

You should be able to clear everything up for under a hundred bucks if you work smart and do as much DIY as possible.

ALSO - check with local legislation about the cracked lamp because in some states - that is illegal. Also - moisture will go into the lamp and ruin everything inside. Better to get it replaced the same time you work on the fairings.

At least you didnt drop the bike on a road without gear...we would be having a different discussion then
I dropped mine earlier this year. Not quite as scratched as yours sine I was on asphalt. It was my wifes fault, I take no responsibility for it even though she wasn't there. j/k I dropped my poor defenseless Busa. Anyway, if you are going to ride it, it isn't going to stay perfect forever. I'm not really interested in anyones opinion of how clean or how scratched my bike is. I'm happy with it just the way it is: big, fast, and comfortable. If it really bothers you, get a universal black touch up pen. Apply the paint with the roller. Some 1000 grit sandpaper to get it smooth with the original paint. Then a little rubbing compond, polishing compound, scratch out, and wax will put her back like new. Be carefull with this stuff so you don't go through the paint.
Hey this doesnt look so bad dude.

Find out what the colors are (you can find exact match...dont know how though
Buy those colors and apply carefully in the scratched area. Clean and clear-coat just that area if possible.

You should be able to clear everything up for under a hundred bucks if you work smart and do as much DIY as possible.

ALSO - check with local legislation about the cracked lamp because in some states - that is illegal. Also - moisture will go into the lamp and ruin everything inside. Better to get it replaced the same time you work on the fairings.

At least you didnt drop the bike on a road without gear...we would be having a different discussion then
It didn't crack "through" if you know what I mean. Kinda like when a pebble hits your car windshield. It's very hard to notice. I didn't even notice it til I got it home when I was totally inspecting every little mark.

What really kind of upset me was the fact that this was the very first brand new vehicle I've ever bought. I've always bought used cars/bikes. It wouldn't have happened if my work had a paved driveway and if I would have stayed in the exact same "lane" of rocks I'd taken before. But I'll still ride it to work because I'm not going to let something like this stop me from enjoying the bike. I bought it to ride it. But... after I get her all fixed up and looking new again, I'll be taking my car to work! Because I'm moving back to LA, CA and want to be SURE it stays perfect for the move back west. Until I get it completely restored, I'll keep riding it to work and on that nasty gravel driveway. To ride in fear is not to ride at all... I guess lol!
I dropped mine earlier this year.  Not quite as scratched as yours sine I was on asphalt.  It was my wifes fault, I take no responsibility for it even though she wasn't there.  j/k I dropped my poor defenseless Busa.  Anyway, if you are going to ride it, it isn't going to stay perfect forever.  I'm not really interested in anyones opinion of how clean or how scratched my bike is.  I'm happy with it just the way it is: big, fast, and comfortable.  If it really bothers you, get a universal black touch up pen.  Apply the paint with the roller. Some 1000 grit sandpaper to get it smooth with the original paint.  Then a little rubbing compond, polishing compound, scratch out, and wax will put her back like new.  Be carefull with this stuff so you don't go through the paint.
I'm going to take everything into consideration and also run it to the local dealer here (even though i didn't buy it from them) to see what they have to say and to even get some kind of estimate.

But yeah... it won't stay perfect forever. I'd like it to, though! And after it's completely fixed... framesliders will be put on! Even though FS wouldn't have stopped what happened to me today.
Sorry to hear about your dump. Never a nice thing to happen to any bike--especially a brand new one. I'm just dying to know--did you have any equipment on when she went over? My point is you have stated that you control your ride and therefore don't need to wear equipment. I guess this just goes to show no matter how good you are, or how much you're in control, shid can happen faster than you can react!
buy some off ebay and then sell your scratched ones to make a little money back. im thinking at the most you'd pay 300 for each piece (nose and right side) then you'd prolly get 100-150 back for each of your scratched ones. not that bad really.
Sorry to hear about your dump.  Never a nice thing to happen to any bike--especially a brand new one.  I'm just dying to know--did you have any equipment on when she went over?  My point is you have stated that you control your ride and therefore don't need to wear equipment.  I guess this just goes to show no matter how good you are, or how much you're in control, shid can happen faster than you can react!
He'll be ok. That drop was a fluke.....no need for gear.