Well Thanks everyone... So long as both the wife and I stay committed we'll get through just fine. If one of us falls off the wagon though... thats when things get tough... I am pretty motivated though, I am thinking MOD MONEY... I am going to take the $200 a month or whatever it was and stash it for bike mods... Should help things along...
ZYBAN huh? I might give that try, see if that handles my moods a little better. That was the biggest problem I had last time and it was a contributing factor to starting again... Simply put I never got past being a complete ass... I mean I expect to be a bit of a Bitch for a month or two, but I mean for three years or so I was a complete bastard, to the point where I started using the patches in an attempt to not smoke but still stay married... very frustrating... We'll see how it goes...
My biggest problem, and a problem I have this time especially is that I really enjoy smoking... I mean the act of lighting a cigarette, the clink clank of the Zippo, the smoke rolling across my vision... Hell, when all leathered up and hanging out it just seemed like the thing to do ... WHY OH WHY can't they come up with a healthy cigarette? Get rid of all the nicotine and add some vitamin C or something you know. Trim it down to a harmless little puff of smoke that contains no chemicals and doesn't harm your lungs... Just for fun...
The most important thing this first couple of months for me anyway is to make DAMN sure I am not ever waiting anywhere for someone to pick me up, or a store to open, or something like that. Those are the times that are just designed for the smoker, it's the perfect tool for waiting... you never feel like your just standing there. Heck your occupied... your smoking a smoke... Ah well, I'll get over it, I will venture to say though that I am glad I have a Web enabled phone... At least I will be able to stand there and surf the news and such... I'll be OK, maybe I'll get a GameBoy advanced and start playing Tetris or Poker when I find myself waiting...
Thanks again all, I am going to go read up on Zyban, thanks Coach.