I’m jealous hearing about people retiring. I spent 8hrs today helping my aunt fix up her retirement house, a mobile home that she found for $40k (including the land). She just retired last month and is enjoying her grandchildren and time off. As 33 year old “young grasshopper”, it was interesting driving into this 55 and up community and seeing these people just walking their dogs and detailing their Harley’s in the driveway. All joking aside, hope you get to enjoy many more years of a well earned retirement. I Hope to be alive long enough to make it to retirement, as well.
It is good but all joking aside, you have to prepare for retirement or it will be short-lived. I'm pretty busy actually. After 32 yrs of serving in the military with deploying all the time as well as living in one place and my family in another, it sure was nice to retire and put down some roots. When I was a young "grasshopper" retirement seemed like it was a long way off, that time sure went fast.
I look after a couple seniors in my neighbourhood (cutting grass, odd jobs, clearing snow, etc) and the hardest part of that is trying to not let them pay me...sometimes they will slip money into my truck without my knowledge and I use that money to pay for things around their house or even things like windshield wipers for their cars without them even knowing it.