I suspect a lot of these smart alec comments would disappear if those on the other side of the aisle would refrain from proselytizing so much.
We're all here because we share one common interest. If maintaining membership requires sharing two...particularly one of a personal nature of this magnitude, it may not be worthwhile to continue participation.
I've been a member of a number of message boards for a number of years, and they all have their own distinct cultures. If hayabusa.org is to be known only as a gathering place of hayabusa owners - who also have to practice evangelical Christianity, or at a minimum read a lot about it, it is unfortunate, because there are a lot of quality voices out there regardless of personal religous belief (I know that's tough to belive for many).
We become better individually, and collectively, by listening and thinking about thoughts, experiences, and beliefs that are different than the ones we were raised with, or developed while surrounding ourselves with people "just like us". That doesn't mean we have to agree with anything and everything we are exposed to, it most certainly means we should not feel censored into silence when someone communicates a thought or belief we disagree with. A respectful rebuttal to provide a different point of view to consider should not be discouraged.
I hope I read this excerpt I quoted from Captain as not being in conflict with the paragraph I wrote above. I do from time to time try to add value to topics here when it seems appropriate.
I've enjoyed my short time here, and enjoyed those I've interacted with. I hope to be able to continue participating, but I understand that in the end this is a community that functions under the authority of someone who may not respect our differences. If my continued participation is not welcome, I'll wish you all the best in advance.
Best wishes to you as well Captain. I write this because I'd like to see you and this community continue to thrive...not because I disagree with your statement that this is your board and you can do what you want with it.
I hope the following will alleviate some of your concerns (or at least clarify the issue)
I am a Christian and I voted for John McCain.
With that said, there is no requirement and we don’t care what your religious (if any) preferences are.
We don’t care what your political preferences are.
And that is the point, it has gotten out of hand lately.
As I said, I am a Christian who voted for McCain.
However I am no longer going to bite my tongue and let someone slam President Obama, or slam Buda or slam Islam, or slam anyone of any gender, faith or preferances.
It is the bashing that has to stop and it is the bashing we are going to squash.
I personally don’t want to see any more threads about conspiracy issues about the president. He is our president, if you don’t like it take it to another board.
I don’t want to see anything posted that is obviously intended just to rile people up and start crap. It has gotten way out of hand.
I don’t want to see anyone making a public statement that talking to God is useless. If you don’t believe in God that is fine. But keep your opinion about it to yourself.
I want to see positive conversations, not negative ones.
As stated earlier, a lot of emotions throughout this country at the moment. Everyone needs to try and keep a positive attitude. And if your attitude sucks at least keep it to yourself so you don’t drag someone else down with you.
Looking for moral support. Asking advice, all that is good and encouraged. But don’t criticize, don’t talk down to someone or about someone’s beliefs, whatever they may be. And do not criticize advice of another board member. let the person who has been given the advice determine if it is sound or not.
And the political stuff, man that has just gotten way out of hand. For a subject that is normally taboo, it has been discussed to death around here. (and yes I participated in the past so I am part of the problem also, which I am trying to fix)
Basically everyone should go by the old rule, if you don’t have anything nice to say, just don’t say anything.
If you don’t believe in God, you are still welcome here, it is not even an issue but you are not welcome to say anything negative about God here.
Bottom line, all the negativity needs to stop, across the board, in all areas