Johnnie Phatt
It was a bit toughen in cheek. but to explain further
Having worked with many both here and in the eastern coast provinces they do like to play hard .
They do tend to have their own accent to a greater or lesser degree and like any some what isolated culture they have a number of words for things that take a few minutes to adjust to
They call a deck The Bridge and so a traffic bridge is usually referred to as an overpass.Their version of "Not from around here" is "Come from away" Little things like that.
Due to somewhat limited opportunities present in some areas of their province they will travel far and wide to find employment. However they are industrious. You are quite likely to find them pretty much anywhere in Canada. Very often in jobs where you will work hard for your money
There are a large number of them in the Oil Sands of Alberta and in trucking North America wide . Of course Fishing and lobster trapping are what they are know for in their home province
They are good people with a very much Give you the shirt off their back attitude about most things. They took in hundreds of stranded passengers who could not land during the 9/11 crisis
How the first two Moose ever got there is a mystery to me but there are a lot of them on the island and it is a staple in their diet. And they have Icebergs. Google Image Result for
They's good people
Having worked with many both here and in the eastern coast provinces they do like to play hard .
They do tend to have their own accent to a greater or lesser degree and like any some what isolated culture they have a number of words for things that take a few minutes to adjust to
They call a deck The Bridge and so a traffic bridge is usually referred to as an overpass.Their version of "Not from around here" is "Come from away" Little things like that.
Due to somewhat limited opportunities present in some areas of their province they will travel far and wide to find employment. However they are industrious. You are quite likely to find them pretty much anywhere in Canada. Very often in jobs where you will work hard for your money
There are a large number of them in the Oil Sands of Alberta and in trucking North America wide . Of course Fishing and lobster trapping are what they are know for in their home province
They are good people with a very much Give you the shirt off their back attitude about most things. They took in hundreds of stranded passengers who could not land during the 9/11 crisis
How the first two Moose ever got there is a mystery to me but there are a lot of them on the island and it is a staple in their diet. And they have Icebergs. Google Image Result for
They's good people
Sorry, I was in bed when you asked this question.
Like John said, and to add to this, a Newfie is what we call a person from Newfoundland.
A little stereo-typical in a description however...most Newfies and their communities are much like everywhere else in Canada as it is changing there quite a bit. Some places are "atypical" of what one would think a Newfoundland community would be but that is for tourists.
They are good people from the province of Newfoundland. They include Labrador in that now but they do not count as Newfies. They work hard, drink hard they fight they eat moose meat and fish. Its always cold there year round We mainlanders call it ten moths of winter and two months of real tough sledding.
On summer days they go out their front door In the winter they leave by the upstairs window Google Image Result for
they paint their boats and houses the same colour so they remember which one is theirs
If a mainlander calls a Newfoundlander a Newfie the fight is on
They love to go to the sea side but the water is too cold for anything but looking at
And yeah they are big loveable dogs the black ones are Newf's the black and white ones are Landseer's