What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Hot Shot Stator from Ricks Motorsport Electric is in. New Regulator / Rectifier installed. Searched high & low about this mod but I think I'm the first to post up about it.

Time for a new front sprocket. Check out those teeth!



...and new
RK GB530GXW chain

New 18T SuperSprox sprocket in front. Much smaller & lighter than the heavy stock one.


Frank - where ya been? Your thread is dated barley two months ago.

But I first starting asking about doing this mod two years ago.

---> https://www.hayabusa.org/forum/gen-...-running-high-output-stator-their-gen-ii.html

Problem I have is even over the last two years, doesn't seem like anyone on the forum membership has done this mod yet. I'll be the first. At least to post up a thorough set of photos and install info. I finally broke down and bought the $300 kit ( you need both items ) last summer & it's been on the shelf ever-since. All the electrical mods I've installed resulted in an unexpected side effect of the bike not being able to keep up. I'd even considered a two battery setup but my electrical aptitude is limited at best.

Now that I take off the stock stator (3 yrs & 30,000 miles) off, you can see the discoloration. Well no **** I've got issues with the charging. I've shot lots of photos & for the first time shot video of every step of the install.

See the discoloration - not good.


I'll post up a detailed install thread later.

I hate doing video work (intensely time consuming) so I may hire someone to make a How-To video for me with all the clip I shot of the install.


Btw, nice to have a fellow sponsor bring this product on board. Just not a product we would carry in our lineup.
I looked up some old pics from 2+ years ago and the stator coils were shiny new color. Not anymore.

Run my finger over the top to see how deep the dust is:down:

Sent from my dunce stool
Today, all I can say is I touched her as I walked by. Over the weekend I installed my other shock with the 1200lb spring, set my compression and rebound (will likely have to adjust it when I ride), checked my sprockets, tightened the chain a smidge... basic maintenance stuff, waiting for this season to kick off. Oil change and filters next. Exciting stuff lol.
Scrubed off the warning stickers, took of the stock cannons while anticipating Mr. UPS man with the 2 bros :)
Pulled the mufflers and installed those overpriced mid pipe collars, waxed the chain with some DuPont & rode the pig.