What Did You Do To Your Busa, Today?

Photos about the swap.



Just removed the backgrounds for playing around with AI. Neither the seats were harmed in the hot sand of the beach nor Busas have been tortured in extreme conditions.
Cut off the chain. Most of the chain is stiff and two links are clearly gunked up...going to scrub the piss out of it off the bike with brake cleaner or WD 40 and then soak it in oil for 2 days and air dry until a master link shows up.
Cut off the chain. Most of the chain is stiff and two links are clearly gunked up...going to scrub the piss out of it off the bike with brake cleaner or WD 40 and then soak it in oil for 2 days and air dry until a master link shows up.
Well...this is turning into a PITA. Soaked it in kerosene overnight and then took to the mechanic at work, who let me soak it in the parts washer solvent. Manipulated each link/pin, but 6ish of them are stiffer than they should be even with X-rings. Going to pull one ring off of each stiff pins tomorrow and blast with solvent of some sort to see if I can get them free of whatever crud is in there...after this, it's getting soaked in oil before going back on. Hope to be done by the weekend!
Well...this is turning into a PITA. Soaked it in kerosene overnight and then took to the mechanic at work, who let me soak it in the parts washer solvent. Manipulated each link/pin, but 6ish of them are stiffer than they should be even with X-rings. Going to pull one ring off of each stiff pins tomorrow and blast with solvent of some sort to see if I can get them free of whatever crud is in there...after this, it's getting soaked in oil before going back on. Hope to be done by the weekend!
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Be almost better in getting a new chain and chucking this one out.....be less stress in the long run.....
Well...this is turning into a PITA. Soaked it in kerosene overnight and then took to the mechanic at work, who let me soak it in the parts washer solvent. Manipulated each link/pin, but 6ish of them are stiffer than they should be even with X-rings. Going to pull one ring off of each stiff pins tomorrow and blast with solvent of some sort to see if I can get them free of whatever crud is in there...after this, it's getting soaked in oil before going back on. Hope to be done by the weekend!
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I see a new chain in your near future
Did a local breakfast run this morning. Down the hill, North, back up. Only 245K’s (152 miles) but it was a nice morning. Bit warm but still do-able.

I did have my reoccurring ache in my right arm, but I tried to exercise it by sitting outside a bakery and lifting a custard slice.

Much as I love the blue Gen-2 I do prefer the Gen-3 once I’m over 100 miles in.



Did a final check over: chain, fluids, tyre pressure, suspension, etc.
Got time of work. And leaving tomorrow, (Tueaday) and back Sat. Road trip.
No idea where I'm going or staying.
I'll stop and sleep when I'm tired or find the place interesting. Just going to point the bike out there somewhere. Taking the camera gear and toothbrush. Freedom.

No plan...now That is a real bike trip!
I did that once as a lad. It was a holiday weekend. Maybe Presidents Day. I was new to Los Angelos. On Saturday I headed out in my hand-me-down AMC to explore the town. A few hours in, I decided that I should just keep going. Literally had not a thing with me. Death Valley looked interesting. Bought a map and a tooth brush. Slept in a flea bag hotel. Had a terrific adventure.
