Many people don't know how to adjust a chain and getting the slack which is depicted in the manual.....Loosened the chain. Bike went in for new tires and the brake recall, came back with a too tight chain. It was on the tight end of the spec, which is too tight for me. Once you see how loose race chains are set, you realize there's no call to have them that tight. I can feel the poor expensive metal stretching with every flex of the swing arm.
Didn't realize Gen 2 and 3 busas don't come with cotter pins on the axle anymore. I guess if it got loose enough you really would feel the wobble before the nut actually fell off. And when I read about chain stretch, I always thought that under extreme tension the links actually did stretch. But they don't. The rollers over time cut into the links and collectively the chain gets longer. Not stretching at all.
I get the people who want a tight chain and aftermarket (harder) cush drives, especially for drag applications, but I ride with a softer touch and almost never quick shift hard up through the gears. I understand computer ignition cutouts and transmission design mean that you can do so without damaging the transmission, but it just feels like you're being too hard on your baby. I'm also just a miser, and use steel sprockets (supersprox rear) that will last as long as the chain, which I'm hoping to get 20-25,000 out of. Emphasis on quick shifters, no offense, seems a bit lazy in that I value the talent to be able to shift smoothly without one, and possibly even without synchromesh. Maybe it's just me but the technology seems to lessen the concentration and pleasure of matching revs smoothly while balancing the bike left and right and forward and back through the curves. Anyway now the chain matches the rest of the bikes perfection...
Too tight is awful hard on the output drive and rear bearings.....
Oddly, I've never had to adjust the chain on my bike at all.....and it's been quite a while since I've had to adjust one on my other bikes either....
The tensile strength of modern chains is impressive....