What kind of gun is this?

It looks like it has 2 electrical connectors at the end of the stock. (not meant to be shoulder fired)
These seem to be connected to the wire that is on the spool via that black rod on top.
I would guess something is fired off (missile of some sort) and this wire trails out to guide it, or to ignite it at some future time in it’s flight.
Those are guns strickly for women use only. If you look at the guy behind them It look like he has a m-16:laugh:

Actually, the guy in the second row is holding onto a PT-91 paratrooper rifle. Its a .308 based carbine, with folding stock and an A2 style carry handle on the top picatinny rail. Its a bad ass battle rifle!
It looks like it has 2 electrical connectors at the end of the stock. (not meant to be shoulder fired)
These seem to be connected to the wire that is on the spool via that black rod on top.
I would guess something is fired off (missile of some sort) and this wire trails out to guide it, or to ignite it at some future time in it’s flight.

The Two metallic points (device would be held business end up in formation) resemble the dual tips I've seen on a lot of pressure washers, One for water one for "other"...

But, I've never seen anything like this, seems awfully complex even for decon so who knows. I can find nothing on the interwebs so I'm stumped.
Green, White, Red, are colors for numerous countries. The badge is a biohazard symbol. My first guess is a line shooting gun, this smaller line is then used to pull a rope/etc over.

Maybe the line is used to transport materials into/ out of a contaminated area?
Kinda like this gun?

Green, White, Red, are colors for numerous countries. The badge is a biohazard symbol. My first guess is a line shooting gun, this smaller line is then used to pull a rope/etc over.

Maybe the line is used to transport materials into/ out of a contaminated area?

Definately Italian.
I think the "thread" looking OD green is actually insulation or a composite material. If it were a spool in that location I don't see anyway to deploy it over a distance.

It's killing me though....
I think the "thread" looking OD green is actually insulation or a composite material. If it were a spool in that location I don't see anyway to deploy it over a distance.

It's killing me though....

Samething I was thinking. All other line throwers deploy from the end. Maybe...no thats not it either :dunno:
(said with a blank stair and twisted grin)




Yeah it's a French Design. It's called the Auto Surrender System. or A.S.S.

Simply put, the user fires this thing in the air and it automatically deploys multiple white flags and temporary pole... The OD green is merely to assist in cowering in a trench or Cafe' until such time as they decide to surrender and go back to making cheese.

Last I heard though even the Italians turned it down...

The Chem-bio patch is actually the Italian Patch for Pasta-N-Sauce I know it's confusing right? But the Chef core in the Italian Military is considered front line, get the enemy well fed, topped off with some good wine and maybe they'll go home.

So wrong yet soooooooo right :laugh: