What kind of gun is this?

its obvious what the gun is...its a trouser gun...see all that green string...you fire the gun and BAM out shoots a new pair of pants...no longer will soldiers have to worry about having ripped pants...thanx to this gun, they can get new ones whenever they want!!
Yeah it's a French Design. It's called the Auto Surrender System. or A.S.S.

Simply put, the user fires this thing in the air and it automatically deploys multiple white flags and temporary pole... The OD green is merely to assist in cowering in a trench or Cafe' until such time as they decide to surrender and go back to making cheese.

Last I heard though even the Italians turned it down...

The Chem-bio patch is actually the Italian Patch for Pasta-N-Sauce I know it's confusing right? But the Chef core in the Italian Military is considered front line, get the enemy well fed, topped off with some good wine and maybe they'll go home.

OMG.. best answer so far! :rofl:
It's the highly classified Pringle-flinger: That "spool" is acutally a brand neutral housing (Pringles wouldn't pay for the advertising potential) that holds one can of any flavor or Pringles potato chips. This system is used to fire up to 10 chips per second at or near besieged terrorists. With a direct hit the sour cream and onion variety can cause instant salt filled wounds similar to papercuts. Near misses will often result in hungry terrorists abandoning their posts and cause in pursuit of the tasty spent ammo, allowing anti-terrorist troops to safely neutralize the target from a distance with conventional weapons. Of course, depending on the ethnic background of the target(s), ammo must be chosen wisely (Americans tend to respond to BBQ flavor, etc.).

Hope that clears up the mystery. :whistle:
It might be something like we use for clearing large rooms or prison yards called an ISPRAJET. It fires a huge cloud of chemical agents in a short time. That may explain the Chemical emblems.
It's the highly classified Pringle-flinger: That "spool" is acutally a brand neutral housing (Pringles wouldn't pay for the advertising potential) that holds one can of any flavor or Pringles potato chips. This system is used to fire up to 10 chips per second at or near besieged terrorists. With a direct hit the sour cream and onion variety can cause instant salt filled wounds similar to papercuts. Near misses will often result in hungry terrorists abandoning their posts and cause in pursuit of the tasty spent ammo, allowing anti-terrorist troops to safely neutralize the target from a distance with conventional weapons. Of course, depending on the ethnic background of the target(s), ammo must be chosen wisely (Americans tend to respond to BBQ flavor, etc.).

Hope that clears up the mystery. :whistle:

:rofl::rofl: Nice... Would have a hell of a time getting these out of the hands of Pre-menstrual women though...
i can not believe noone here knows what that is.

where are our french riders at:laugh:

Yeah, I'm surprised too, I'm surprised that despite my best Google-Fu, I find nothing, no trace...

I have been defeated by Italian Pasta Shooters... I am sad.