@ what speed do you lower your visor?

In town at 40 max other wise closed except for fog, open as little as possible. I've seen and heard the bugs at speed and have had them come in and under. Probably like everyone else.

Blackpanther, 100, no glasses? YOOOwww.
Pete, the one that will wake you up is this one. You are going along about 75 or 80 mph with your visor down, and a large stinging-type thing like a wasp or a bald-faced hornet bounces off your collar, up into your full-face helmet, and ends up on top of the chin-guard against the visor, one inch from your nose. He's knocked silly, of course, but he's RIGHT THERE, next to your eyeballs. Ever had that happen at speed? Talk about being startled.

[This message has been edited by Mr Bear (edited 10 December 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Mr Bear (edited 10 December 1999).]
I`ve recently tried the radium shieds ..look cool and can actually get by with them at night for a short trip but man are they high for a aria helmet..getting back to night riding...thats why I was searching for a all around shield...ever hit a d-a-m bat at night in the face...yeah you`re looking at the dumbass that got it in the face with shield up...never again.......
I was blasting from stoplight to stoplight with friends one time, and left my visor up a few times because I didn't have time to get at it when everyone else launched. Then one time I went past about 70 mph and reached up to slap it shut because the wind was pulling my head back so hard, and right as I got it shut a monster bumblebee bounced off the middle of it like a bullet. He would have hit me either in the left eye or or between the eyes.

I always try to have it down as soon as the clutch is engaged in first gear. It also protects you against tickets. In some states, some cops will cite you for riding without eye protection if you are wearing a helmet with the visor up. It's just a way to cover your a--, as well as your face.
CBX, I popped a bat at night once in Oregon! My visor was down though, that poor thing only left a few teeth marks in the face shield of my old Bell Star II. I had to go back and look at it to figure out what it was!
I wear an Arai full face and the shield is down BEFORE I start moving. I use the amber tint shield, good for daytime and fine at night too. Puddin bowls are for puddin heads!
SlowHand--RF-800 has been a great helmet, no "farts" from the air lip for me, extremely quiet. I also switch between the Mirror, Yellow, and Clear Visors.
Mine is closed after leaving from stop. Occassionally, in very hot weather I will shed the helmet (yeah its stupid) and wear Oakley heaters. Heaters do the best job of keeping the wind/vacuum from my eyeballs up to 70-80 mph.
Bob, what do you use to keep your mirror'd shield clean of bugs and finger prints and so on??

I bought a silver mirror'd shield for my new titanium grey Quantum f less than a month ago and the mirroring is already rubbing off! Very frusterating.

Anyone else have this problem?
All I had when I bought the Busa was a shorty. I found that wasn't the hot setup, it felt like having a balloon tied to the top of my head bobbing all around. I got a full face helmet right away and usually keep the sheild open some. It first it felt like wearing a fish bowl on my head, but now that I'm used to it I like it.

Factory--I use soft cotton with the cleaner sold for Oakley sunglasses.
No damage yet other than a couple small specs from high speed runs.
Factory, I've got a blue iridium shield 4 years old and a mirror shield 6 mo. old and no problems.(Shoei) I would never use Windex on plastic. I have used Meguiars plastic cleaner and polish, Brillianize works well; all of those are in small flat squeeze bottles. My favorite is Plexxus, in a small spray can. I buy bundles of small shop rags from Costco. They are a white towel material about 12" square and are perfect for shields. NEVER use paper towels on shields. They will peel any coating off right now. This stuff fits easily alongside the tool kit or in a tank bag. I never leave home without it.8=)
Especially helmets with quick-release visors. Pop them off and hand wash them in the sink then shake it dry and dab it with a soft cloth. No scratches are left which turn street lights etc in groovy stars and star bursts.

A riding buddy of mine was on an iron butt run and was letting up from a 240kph burst and leaned back against his fuel cell (5 gallon tank on the rear seat) when all of a sudden BAM! A huge white flash appeared in his view slapped his helmet like a jealous wife and then red and green goo was all over his visor.

....smoked a duck in the head at 240...burst 2 discs in his neck!!! Bike is for sale.. can't ride anymore...

...moment of silence...

[This message has been edited by BullDog (edited 11 December 1999).]
I took my mirrored shield back to the shop where I bought it less than a month ago to show them what was going on and see if I could exchange it for another.

I found out that they have had a lot of complaints and returns of the Arai mirrored shields. So many in fact that Arai has started putting a disclaimer sticker on the Shield that says don't call us if you have problems with the mirroring, call you dealer/rep.

According to the shop, the rep warrantied the first return, but won't do any more because Arai won't back up their product. Also according to the shop, Arai has concluded that there must be something in the tap water that is used to clean the shields. All VERY weak stuff!

I'm more than a little disappointed in Arai.

Moto Liberty, in Dallas helped me out by selling me a dark smoke shield at their cost. They will also check with the rep about my shield, but I won't be holding my breath.
Factory...VegasDude turned us on to Lemon Pledge and a soft towel/baby diaper to clean face shields. I know it sounds weird but it works.
Lyle, I've heard of the furniture polish solution before - What exactly is the "soft towel/baby diaper"?

Sorry, kids R not me!
I have matching SHOEI XSP's that ran me a shade under 600 each with 2 iridiums silver shields, the dark smokes, the clears and the blue iridiums with the stylin fleece lined helmet bags. The ventilation is amazing with the breath guard and chin protector.
I use the honda cleaner for the helmet and a visor wax i found that i also use for the clear headlight.
