What the most miles you have covered in a day?

I did 360 miles this past weekend and for the most part, I enjoy it.  The scenery was superb!!!  20% of the trip had a ocean view, but once I got to the desert the heat almost kill me @ 107 degree.  I had to stop often in order to consume more than my usual amount of H20. At the end of what seem to be a long day, I told myself never again, but 1 hour later I was ready to ride to one of the local bike nights
 While I have no doubt that I'll make another +300 mile day, I will never ride that far in 3 digit weather again.


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Did the most miles on the Busa. 1120miles for a Iron Butt Cert. All superslab for twenty hours. 700 miles of the ride was in heavy rain.
Busa is comfy overall except the wrists take a beating. Added a Throttlemiester for the next time. Kewl watching the Rain hit the Headlight at night. Something to do

Busa makes for an interesting ride in middle of night. Only you and Semi-Trucks on the rode. Time for speed trials
250 is the most for me. Hope to pick that up in the near future.
Only had it a month or so (1250 miles) but so far the longest ride was about 300 mi's. Did that in just under 5 hrs.
I was ready to keep goin, but had too much work to do at home......
got my first service done yesterday and from the bike shop i put in around 200 miles.wouldve kept going but had to get back home,went to the street drags at thunder valley last night.i was shocked that there were several busas there running.one hit 160 in the quarter mile and didnt even use his nitrous!!!