What's stuck in your brain...bikes from the past~?~

I was always liked something about this one...

Miss my old srad. My first bike.
When I started riding all of the guys I knew had older bikes. One had the first gen gsxr750 another had a gsxr1100. It was the first bike I ever seen with an air shifter. My buddy had a cbr f2.
This was all in about 03. We were the greasers. Lol.
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Aint it time somebody took one to the salt flats in Utah...and held it to see JUST how fast it'll really go:laugh:
Don't have any pics, but I have 3 favorites..the 1986 GSXR750, 1986 GSXR1100, and the 1985 Honda Interceptor 500.
I would love to find another Interceptor 500. Those things were SO much fun!!
My first bike was a honda hurricane. I feel old.


Note: this isnt mine. Just a pic i found online of the model. Never scanned any pics that old.

The last motorcycle I owned prior to my busa.
It was 30 years ago and had put a Kerker exhaust, re-jetted the carbs and added Koni shocks, and a Barnett clutch.
I used to commute daily from Westchester County to Manhattan with it.
I thought that the bike had a lot of power at the time and loved the looks of the 6-cylinder engine. My only complaint was that the front end was wobbly at over 110 mph.
I wish I still had the bike.
This is not the bike a had, but a picture of what it looked like and the color.

:laugh:Yeah, he has tons of amatuer motocross trophies, and can ride some pretty impressive wheelies, who knew, Vanilla really is a badass:laugh:

He was in one of the Moto XXX stunt films, too. Also raced jetskis for awhile. Anybody ever listen to his ill-fated hardcore band? :D

As for bikes, I haven't been riding long enough to have memories of one from "back in the day". I enjoy the **** out of my CB550 though!
Don't have any pics, but I have 3 favorites..the 1986 GSXR750, 1986 GSXR1100, and the 1985 Honda Interceptor 500.
I would love to find another Interceptor 500. Those things were SO much fun!!

I had an interceptor 750 an i couldn't wait to see it go :laugh: Had a soft spot for my brothers Z1R :thumbsup: But thing was pretty unstable at high speeds :whistle:
First Original "Tiger"





I thought I would post some early pictures of the first original "Tiger"
She was an old 1979 Honda CB-750F with 33mm Mikuni smooth bores,
sidewinder pipe and had all the latest electronics of the day.
My first love interest a year before I had my license! The V4 Interceptor 500 - SO COOL in it's day! And one I never forget the original Hurricane F1 - probably because one of my best friends growing up got one the same year I bought my first NEW bike and we rode the heck out them for 2 summers. He's passed since in a car accident but I rarely ride without him coming to mind. We caused a lot of chaos in our teenage years. :laugh:


My 85 900 Ninja was very special.....enjoyed it so much it could have been pink with green spots on it.... 40K in 4 years living in snow country.
My 89 FZR 600 had to be the best handling bike i ever owned with a fox shock and fork mods.
This was bike number 5 for me. Bought it new off the showroom floor. She was out of date with the new GSXR750 due out the next year and the screaming 900 Ninja already making its debut, but I still think this is one of the prettiest bikes ever made. Still miss it.

Also, very fond of this Triumph Hurricane. It's a pretty rare bike that I may never own, plus old Triumphs are a pain in the arse.
34_triumph_x-75_hurricane.jpg (1000x671).jpg

Finally, I once built a modern clone of the famous Harley XLCR. Still have the bike, but taking it in a different direction because I can't find a steel gas tank for a reasonable price and no longer want to ride with a glass fuel tank. Someday I may snag a real XLCR. Easier to find than the Triumph and probably a better bike.


34_triumph_x-75_hurricane.jpg (1000x671).jpg
