What's the coldest temp you've ever ridden at?


I rode for a couple hours tonight at 32f. Wore triple layers and my toes and fingers were hurting when I got back. Ppl mustve thought I was insane riding in freezing weather on xmas eve! Felt pretty stupid, lol.
Probably 25 degrees, test riding my bike. I was only gonna go around the block, ended up going about 5 miles. I only had a helmet on no gloves or anything. I couldnt move when i got home.
17 degrees. It was my only way to my sons games.

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Upper 20s. I'm thinking about investing in heated gloves and a heated jacket in January so I can ride throughout the month. Biggest help so far BY FAR was buying the neck guard. That thing is like a vacation compared to riding without it.
I went on the toy run and it was about 29 when I left and foggy.Warmed up to 39-40 when the run started.Wasnt too bad really with long johns and leather.
I was working 2nd shift and rode in at 40 degrees when I got off at midnight it was 24 degrees. Leather Jacket Leather Gloves and cargo pants. It was ok the first 5-7 miles then after that it was miserable on the interstate running 90MPH the next 29 miles.
9 degrees one morning going to work. I generally ride to work year round unless it's raining or snowing.
Frequently start rides in the twenties... Usually warms to to high 30's or mid 40's during the day in my area. Christmas day - we started at 25 and it's expected to get in the 50's today - perfect winter riding weather around here :)
28 Degrees for 3 hrs to Eureka, Probably not going to happen again, Had a blast once I thawed out but I cant see myself going through that again.

Ran into fog that turned face sheild into ice. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr
28 Degrees for 3 hrs to Eureka, Probably not going to happen again, Had a blast once I thawed out but I cant see myself going through that again.

Ran into fog that turned face sheild into ice. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr

That was the year Juli got sick. Miserable ride up there, but fun once it warmed up.