What's the coldest temp you've ever ridden at?

I went on a toy run with my Father, and his M.C. in November when we left it was in the 20's, most of them had heated gear, and it was COLD. The ride was in Richmond VA which is about 300 miles from me. They all stayed the night, and I came home that evening, again in the 20's it was so cold I thought something was wrong with my bike half way home, but it was my shivering going through to the bars. It was so bad I was stopping every 1/2 hour at rest stops, and using the hand dryer to thaw out.

this was in town and actually quite comfortable compared with what i hit about 20 minutes later when i pulled on to the River Road along the MS River...it got quite chilly :laugh:

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I rode a few winters ago when it was 7 degree out. It was only a 20 min ride to work. If i double up on the clothes i can ride for an hour in below freezing weather.

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30 deg. about 20 mile ride home from work, with heavy textile winter gloves (non heated). Full insulated textile suit, long johns, with head cover under helmet. Stayed warm enough, except for the finger tips. I definately need heated gloves.
I have ridden in the low 30s a few times , I am surprised nobody has mentioned the insane ability of the Busa spinning the rear tire at those temps !
It is very humid here in NW Washington , and when temps hover right around freezing we get whats called "Black Ice" , the road has a faint shine to it and is as slick as snot.
I have been cruzing very mellow and had my speedo gently drift up into the 60s when I am only going 35 , yeah , scary .
I will only ride a couple times between now and march ...
Get Heated Gear (Jacket liner, pants & Socks) and riding season never ends!
Rode form NYC to Lakewood NJ & back today (about 75 miles each way, temp. High 30's) and was Warm & Toasty all the way. I Got "Hot Grips" instead of gloves because it's it's one less thing to plug in. My Best Investment so far!
This past winter I think the coldest it got was 27degrees. I had on 4 sweaters, a winter riding jacket, doubled up on thick socks and had sweat pants under my jeans and also had winter gloves on. I rode to and from work which is about an 1hr drive each way and at the 30min mark I was freezing.
i remember..years back..i did the math when i got home and it was below -100deg.
-36deg + 70mph + 60mph headwind = exposed skin freezes within 5min. BRR COLD!
even when your geared up, that's cold!

don't think i'll do that again any time soon. :laugh:
15-20 degree weather back in 09 on my old 900RR when my car was in the shop coldest week in my life never EVER doing that again