What's the coldest temp you've ever ridden at?

I was working 2nd shift and rode in at 40 degrees when I got off at midnight it was 24 degrees. Leather Jacket Leather Gloves and cargo pants. It was ok the first 5-7 miles then after that it was miserable on the interstate running 90MPH the next 29 miles.

Yeeow! That mustve been painful.

I once rode to the mountains as the sun was setting, from MD. It was like 45f at the time. Wearing a t-shirt under my leather jacket, w/ jeans. I was freezing my ass off!! The ride back home was very uncomfortable. A month later my fingertips were still a little numb. Lesson learned!!
New years day 2007 when I still lived in kansas me and my brother rode in 19 degree weather. That was prolly the dumbest idea I ever had.

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About 10-15 below 0 - even with heated gear that is brutal. It was about 3 am and I stopped at the rest stop in White River after coming over Wolf Creek pass. Went in the bathroom and stuck the hand dryer nozzle into my collar and filled up my riding suit like a hot air balloon and let it run for like 30 minutes :laugh:
28 Degrees for 3 hrs to Eureka, Probably not going to happen again, Had a blast once I thawed out but I cant see myself going through that again.

Ran into fog that turned face sheild into ice. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr

I'm gald you made that trip.
That was the year Juli got sick. Miserable ride up there, but fun once it warmed up.

She was frozen when y'all pulled up. I'm glad y'all made the trip. That was a fun weekend.

This morning was 14 degrees out and I rode .

No snow really right now , so the Busa wheels are still turning..

P..S Merry Christmas
Sold my bike (VTX 1800N) to a lady who lived 45 mins away and offered to drop it off for her so i asked my Wife to lead the way cause she had the gps in her car and she did but she hit the highway(+100km) and i had to keep up with her, all i had was three layers. Temperature that day -10 celsius i could not feel my everything even after stopping a few times on the highway and fleeing to my Wifes car for temporary warmth. Not doing that again. Lady gave me $1000 more for the kind gesture, told her no but she gave it to my wife when i wasn't looking
23F for me but I ride daily regardless of temperature so Ive seen many days in the low 20's. Heated gloves are a necessity for my 30 min commute in those kind of temps and are truly a blessing.

A client of mine said he'd help me install the fender eliminator kit. I agreed to meet him a few days later... Well, the forecasters changed their forecast sand when reality set in, I froze my damn tail off for those 17 miles.
I remember when I was 18 and living in NY I went to a job interview on my bike. (only mode of transportation). When I came out there was about a half inch of snow. Had to make it home about 20 min drive. Felt stupid and I guess everyone thought the same
Frequently start rides in the twenties... Usually warms to to high 30's or mid 40's during the day in my area. Christmas day - we started at 25 and it's expected to get in the 50's today - perfect winter riding weather around here :)

Christmas Day ride in Va. mountains - only made it to mid 30's up there...




32 degrees a few weeks ago for the Ellis County Toy Run. Left my house at Sunrise and it was 32 degrees out...it was cold and I had 100 miles to go to get to the toy run. My chin was numb.
12* and did a little over 120 miles. Love my Gerbing heated jacket liner and gloves.