Whats your gas mileage?

I have this personality flaw that dictates that I must run my tank of fuel to the ragged edge. The other day, I was at 150 miles on the tank. I knew it would go 210. My Waze app said I had 70 miles to go. What to do..?

I made it. And by that I mean I coasted into the driveway with a silent engine. Perfection.
Would the mileage and measurements be off if the gearing is changed?

Mileage is without a SpeedoHealer, which I had on my Gen2, and the speedometer was within 1mph +1/-.
I also had full exhaust, air filter, and ecu flash, as well as a +3 rear sprocket, which is almost the same as your -1 front.
I got 32mpg when riding normally, agressively, lol
I could get 40-42 highway cruising at the speed limits or just above, 65/70mph on the way to good roads.
So I would say your mpg and speedometer may not be exact, but they are close.
My gen1 was within 1mph +- with a speedo healer. Best I could get no matter how I rode it was 38. Most days was between 34-36 mpg. Now the Harley I get 40-42 regularly using Ethanol free 92 fuel. Regular fuel is around 38 as well.