aka Danksy
cheers mate
thanks. maybe i'll stop crossing the street too. gotta live cautiously ya know?
Have u tried a wheelie machine? It's nothin like the real thing!First, kudos on your riding skills - Don't take this the wrong way but I started riding bikes a decade before you were born... I didn't say you couldn't learn to ride wheelies in weeks or months only that it takes years to ride with authority. At twenty one I had all the confidence in the world but its been tempered by the toll its taken on many of my cycle buds... With four years experience under your belt are you recommending that folks just start clutching up wheelies and it will all work out just fine for them?
They have machines that you can pratice wheelies on at shows and almost all the inexperienced riders loop it just like they would if they tried on their own!
I am glad you and your cycle are all in one piece and I sincerely hope it stays that way!!!
Yes sir, you certainly do! A man that's this good at 12 0'clock wheelies on a busa certainly has tons of photos. Please post a few up. I'm anxious to see them as is everyone else.
A young man who threw a leg over a bike for the first time at 17 and two months later was doing mile long wheelies on an R1 is more than spectacular in my book. I've never heard of such and you may be a great candidate for the Guiness Book of World Records?
One of my friends held the record with an 87 mile wheelie at one time and he practiced almost every day for ten years before he became that good at wheelies.
The only man I've ever seen 12:00 a busa with such athority was professional stunter Kyle Wood. Since you have only owned two bikes, which bike did you learn to 12:00, the busa or the R1? How many rear brakes did you wear out while mastering such a difficult stunt on a big heavy bike? Holding that much weight that far behind the balance point takes a lot of rear brake and if you were to carry that thing a mile, the brake disk would be glowing red hot! Did you attend any wheelie schools or did you learn this all on your own?
You are an unbelieveable young man and we can't wait for the photos!
Back in the early 90's a buddy of mine was really good a wheelies and catwalks on his XZ-11 and never cared about the consequences of wiping out because "it's such a rush man, totally awesome!!".
Well, one day after having performed his millionth and 1st wheelie/catwalk this time something went wrong. Now his bike was just a wrecked heap with no funds to fix it for that entire summer and all I said to him was "nice, summer is just here and you've nothing to ride until next year... how do you feel now?"
To my dying days I'll never forget that blank and vacant look in his eyes...
So no, I don't (purposely) wheelie.
I don't know him, but in his defense, I've seen it done, several times. One of my good friends bought a gsxr1000 new in 06, first bike, ever. A
side from goin over the bars on a stoppie. to date, he has never been down. He can literally ride perfect standups, sitdowns 12oclocks for miles, and miles. From between 50 to about 110, pick a number, he's flawless. He does my busa the same way. Some folks are just born with it. I can hang rite with him, but I've been doin it for over twenty years now. But i'm not hatin, I'm encouragin him, not that he needs it.
You have to move the bike anyway you and with legs like mine thats how you do it don't hate the wind was blowing had that day
Your just a great friend, huh? Rubbin it in, I told u so. Sound like a happy hater to me. If it was easy or risk free, everybody would do it.