Who Rode Today?

Aside from not being able to ride at night that carbon piece does look pretty cool. My question is don't you have any issues with the Leo's pulling you over for not having any light in the front?
You would think so but no......not one second look from the LEO's .
It also drops 4 lbs off the nose.:cool:
Sunday just gone I took a ride out on my DRZ400E adventure bike to a lake in the high country 165kms from my house, 117 kms just to get to the start of the gravel road that heads on into the high country in amongst the hills and mountains. Went with a couple of friends on their DR650’s.
Was awesome to ride in there because I very seldom get in there, last time was 15 years back!
Was a gorgeous day, sunny and warm with little wind, 26 deg
No problems with mechanical issues or ‘rider errors’, just had a great time feeling 18 again!
Pics.... mandatory. Lol.

Guy on the left is from Sydney Australia but I forgive him for that because he has a lovely Kiwi lass so he’s accepted and even allowed to live and work here in NZ !
Sooooo.... I take it that corners are not really ‘a thing’ in Fla lol.
I used to watch ‘Miami Vice’ with Don Johnson back in the 80’s, it looked like a tropical paradise, except for the drug dealing criminals everywhere.
I’ve checked it out on google maps and the Keys look amazing, the way you can drive across the ocean hopping from island to island across long bridges. And all the housing on those little Keys with everyone having a boat and their own jetty in their back yards! Rich b#%stards lmao.
Sooooo.... I take it that corners are not really ‘a thing’ in Fla lol.
I used to watch ‘Miami Vice’ with Don Johnson back in the 80’s, it looked like a tropical paradise, except for the drug dealing criminals everywhere.
I’ve checked it out on google maps and the Keys look amazing, the way you can drive across the ocean hopping from island to island across long bridges. And all the housing on those little Keys with everyone having a boat and their own jetty in their back yards! Rich b#%stards lmao.
Always greener on the other side. The company I work for had a contract in New Zealand that lasted a bit over a year. 3 of our employees resigned and said applied for citizenship there. LOL
Always greener on the other side. The company I work for had a contract in New Zealand that lasted a bit over a year. 3 of our employees resigned and said applied for citizenship there. LOL
And I had 2 soldiers from New Zealand come to Canada and join our military as part of a "commonwealth exchange." I asked them what were they thinking and they said it is crazy expensive there...I said just wait, you'll see what expensive is by living here.
Always greener on the other side. The company I work for had a contract in New Zealand that lasted a bit over a year. 3 of our employees resigned and said applied for citizenship there. LOL
Yes NZ is a little paradise . . 'little' being the operative word.
It's a small place, but at the minute I just would NOT want to be anywhere else!
Every place has it's issues, the US being one in particular, but now that overseas travel has virtually ceased, being stuck in NZ is pretty good . . no dang tourists lol!
And I had 2 soldiers from New Zealand come to Canada and join our military as part of a "commonwealth exchange." I asked them what were they thinking and they said it is crazy expensive there...I said just wait, you'll see what expensive is by living here.
Yep, what were they thinking . . 9 months of winter, snow on the ground for months on end, sheer lunacy lmao!