Who Rode Today?

The kids are ready for adventure... lol. But the dog ain’t going. Possibly tomorrow I can get out

Got in a nice 130 miler today in the Park via 41 and out via 140. Weather was great even near the snow. Elevation was 2,300’ to 6,000’. Lots of traffic but on a bike it’s really no problem. Only saw six bikes. Hopefully the short vid of the Merced River will load. The sound of the rushing river was niiiice! View attachment 1633766View attachment 1633767View attachment 1633768View attachment 1633769View attachment 1633770View attachment 1633771View attachment 1633772
Front tire looking a bit thin in one photo . How many miles now on the Kaw?
Front tire looking a bit thin in one photo . How many miles now on the Kaw?

I’ve noticed that too. It’s a PP2CT that I got for a real deal. I’m almost at 13,000 miles already, bought in November of ‘18. That tire has almost 9,000 miles on it. That’s my second tire and why I just bought a PR2 for $98 thru Amazon. It was manufactured six months earlier.
I’ve noticed that too. It’s a PP2CT that I got for a real deal. I’m almost at 13,000 miles already, bought in November of ‘18. That tire has almost 9,000 miles on it. That’s my second tire and why I just bought a PR2 for $98 thru Amazon. It was manufactured six months earlier.

I checked the mileage in my maintenance notes and that front PP2CT has almost 7,000, not 9,000 miles. :)
Got in a great ride up into the tall, burnt and uncut today for a 189 mile loop. I stopped by my dealer first to get a second (in person) opinion on that sprocket. The service manager and his mechanic had never seen one like it. The hub, wheel everything, rotates straight except for a slight wobble in the sprocket. So, when I need tires I’ll get er done. :)

My ride was great, from under 1,000’ to over 7,000’. Rode up the mountain past Shaver Lake and almost around Huntington Lake. Snow blocked the loop around it on the north side, where those cabin/houses are. Even up high the temps were in the 60s. I’ll start with the sad pics, the burn areas first. I hadn’t been up there since the fires last summer. For some of the areas, as far as you could see was total devastation, just blackened sticks big and small instead of the forest you’ll see in the other pics. The remains of that Valero station is all that’s left of the store the gas pumps and a very old cafe next to it.